Trading Post 23 April - A St George's day beer anyone?

Trading Post 23 April - A St George's day beer anyone?



Original Poster:

10,585 posts

227 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2008
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I shall be there circa 8.30 if anyone else is going?


1,823 posts

223 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2008
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Not this week, I'm in Australia spinspin


12,423 posts

283 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2008
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Should be smile


487 posts

224 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2008
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I won't be able to make it today - and it looks like Tyre_tread won't be able to make it either...


3,521 posts

213 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2008
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just got back from town, where there were two rather good looking young men wearing patriotic hats and had obviously been celebrating St Georges Day for several hours

not quite sure how one of them managed to fall down the one step leading out of the pub but there you go biggrin