DMH@VWG" Target="_blank">class="forumQuoter">DMH@VWG said:
Anyone up for Trading Post this week?
After weeks of telling myself I'm going to make it and then flaking out (genuine reasons I assure you :-)), I'm determined to finally meet up with a few fellow P-H'ers...
I'll be in the filthy black Audi A4 Avant that looks like a hearse
I've been trying for months, but I work a lot of evening shifts (am at work now)After weeks of telling myself I'm going to make it and then flaking out (genuine reasons I assure you :-)), I'm determined to finally meet up with a few fellow P-H'ers...
I'll be in the filthy black Audi A4 Avant that looks like a hearse
We could start a 'nearly made it' section.!!

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