Ce soir...



Original Poster:

12,423 posts

283 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
quotequote all
Anything occurring? TP or trip to Nupton to letch at some... I mean listen to some Jazz?


16,745 posts

228 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
quotequote all
Can I be the first to bother to post on this thread and state that I'm not going?


10,585 posts

227 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
quotequote all
Dolf and I will be at TP around 7.00 ish for food as Mrs TT and Mrd Dolf are away!


1,823 posts

223 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
quotequote all
I should be able to get over to TP for around 8ish as per.


3,298 posts

255 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
quotequote all
Pupp said:
Anything occurring? TP or trip to Nupton to letch at some... I mean listen to some Jazz?
not going to be at the drome tonight mate frown
Matt's still on honeymoon & we're at Silverstone !


Original Poster:

12,423 posts

283 months

Wednesday 27th February 2008
quotequote all
obes said:
Pupp said:
Anything occurring? TP or trip to Nupton to letch at some... I mean listen to some Jazz?
not going to be at the drome tonight mate frown
Matt's still on honeymoon & we're at Silverstone !
Snubbed again frown

No worries, another time... wink