March 2nd.....



Original Poster:

16,745 posts

228 months


550 posts

211 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
quotequote all
central said:
possible and evilbat possible
Mr & Mrs Allen

Edited by ITtina on Wednesday 27th February 18:37

Mrs BlueCerbera

2,208 posts

251 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
quotequote all
Mothers Day scratchchin


404 posts

231 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
quotequote all
No Sorry got to be somewhere else


3,114 posts

240 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
quotequote all
Likely !


1,531 posts

241 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
quotequote all
Mrs BlueCerbera said:
Mothers Day scratchchin
Men dont think about these things rolleyes


Original Poster:

16,745 posts

228 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
quotequote all
combine said:
Likely !
O/T - Wheat prices!!!!

Pasq lillois!

92 posts

205 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
quotequote all


10,585 posts

227 months

Tuesday 26th February 2008
quotequote all


53 posts

215 months

Thursday 28th February 2008
quotequote all
Keep wanted to attend but always away, maybe next one.


3,521 posts

213 months

Saturday 1st March 2008
quotequote all
possibly, but not promising.....means getting the new motor dirty wink


13,993 posts

260 months

Saturday 1st March 2008
quotequote all
Not sure yet,
we are climatised to 34c at the moment and dare not leave the warm house in case we get pnemonia

Pasq lillois!

92 posts

205 months

Saturday 1st March 2008
quotequote all


10,585 posts

227 months

Saturday 1st March 2008
quotequote all
ccm said:
possibly, but not promising.....means getting the new motor dirty wink
Can't wait to see your Austin 1.9Tdi you have as per your profile hehe

Edited by tyre_tread on Saturday 1st March 10:58

Edited by tyre_tread on Sunday 2nd March 00:58


3,521 posts

213 months

Saturday 1st March 2008
quotequote all
tyre_tread said:
ccm said:
possibly, but not promising.....means getting the new motor dirty wink
Can't wait to see your [b[ Austin [/b] 1.9Tdi you have as per your profile hehe

Edited by tyre_tread on Saturday 1st March 10:58
cheers for that, just been in and changed it THREE TIMES and everytime it's put down something else other than what I'd typed. Either my laptop, PH or gremlins in the system wink


62 posts

286 months

Saturday 1st March 2008
quotequote all
Am going to try and make it this month, weather dependant.

Hope to see a few of you there smile


12,423 posts

283 months

Saturday 1st March 2008
quotequote all
Oh, go on then... smile


Original Poster:

16,745 posts

228 months

Saturday 1st March 2008
quotequote all
spinningman said:
Am going to try and make it this month, weather dependant.

Hope to see a few of you there smile

Lurking of epic proportions mate!


177 posts

222 months

Sunday 2nd March 2008
quotequote all
Might see if I can get a standby out that way


451 posts

206 months

Sunday 2nd March 2008
quotequote all
Roughly what time does this event go on until? I'd like to come along (my first event) - but I won't be able to make it at noon...
