Stamford Car show pics



Original Poster:

12,415 posts

255 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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Thought I'd start a thread for the pics save clogging up the meet thread

You can get to all my pics from here save posting them all up

I think Alan got over excited about showing his car wink

and special prize for the best sock/trouser combo went to this guy

Edited by Matt172 on Sunday 26th August 22:03

rich 36

13,739 posts

277 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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Is that Tallbloke

enjoying the sunshine


16,745 posts

228 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
quotequote all
Matt172 said:
I think Alan got over excited about showing his car wink



Original Poster:

12,415 posts

255 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
quotequote all
central said:
Matt172 said:
I think Alan got over excited about showing his car wink

there was a couple of shots that looked even better than that, but I didn't get to the camera in time hehe


16,745 posts

228 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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16,745 posts

228 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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4,500 posts

239 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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Looks like a great show. Would love to have been there but after cashing in all of my brownie points with a lads weekend last week this was a family weekend for me wink


1,777 posts

244 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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My photos are here.

My absolute favourite had to be this fabulous 964 RS Clubsport. cool

It was very light, very loud and very yellow! The lucky owner very kindly let me sit in it, so if he should happen to see this, thanks very much!



12,423 posts

283 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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16,745 posts

228 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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My pics are $hite. weeping


12,423 posts

283 months

Sunday 26th August 2007
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Like this one


Original Poster:

12,415 posts

255 months

Monday 27th August 2007
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Pupp said:

Like this one
need to clean that sensor Gary wink


10,585 posts

227 months

Monday 27th August 2007
quotequote all
Matt172 said:
central said:
Matt172 said:
I think Alan got over excited about showing his car wink

there was a couple of shots that looked even better than that, but I didn't get to the camera in time hehe
Thank god you didn't catch me with it fully erect!

Now then ladies...............



1,304 posts

222 months

Monday 27th August 2007
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Fab photo's everyone - glad the weather held.


9,937 posts

230 months

Monday 27th August 2007
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Trackside said:
Hubba hubba lick

Now that is a car!


404 posts

231 months

Monday 27th August 2007
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101 posts

214 months

Tuesday 28th August 2007
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Has anyone tried to squeeze one of those Rolls Royce Meteor lumps in to a Chimaera? When it was fired up at the end of the show a lot of the small children ran for cover.


16,745 posts

228 months

Tuesday 28th August 2007
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mooey said:
Has anyone tried to squeeze one of those Rolls Royce Meteor lumps in to a Chimaera? When it was fired up at the end of the show a lot of the small children ran for cover.

Welcome to pistonheads!

Martin Keene

10,213 posts

236 months

Tuesday 28th August 2007
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Matt172 said:
I like that... Slightly biased as the Westie is mine, and the Exige a mate's, but hey...



676 posts

280 months

Tuesday 28th August 2007
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This may be of interest then - I was struck by the way we co-ordinated our parking biggrin
Mine is the red Caterham in the foreground.