Finances being Inspected at the County Council

Finances being Inspected at the County Council



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275 months


7,812 posts

156 months

Thursday 11th January 2018
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"The Conservative-led council revealed in December that it was looking to increase council tax by almost 5% as it sought to make savings of £34.3m."

So they want to put up council tax by almost 5% as well as making £34.3m cuts? Sounds like they want to both have their cake and eat it as well.

One thing that never seems to be mentioned on this subject:

Every town, small or large. across the county is seeing house-building on a mammoth scale with local development plans confirmed for even more to come. All of these new houses mean new residents. All of these new residents mean extra council tax income for the county coffers. They barely have to lift a finger and yet are still automatically getting more and more revenue each year. They can't have it all their own way, surely?

Part of the cost-cutting will involve closing most of the libraries. They're an easy target of course. The council has already started the "consultation" process, but we all know that it's a done-deal. There's no option of leaving the libraries as they are. However, they are offering the option of private companies to run them. Good luck with that! Imagine pitching that idea on Dragons' Den.

Dragon: "So what's your great business investment idea?"
NCC: "Well, you will get the unique opportunity to pay to run a company where the public comes in 6 days a week and borrows your books from you."
Dragon: "Hang on there a minute. So what do I get in return?"
NCC: "Bugger all, apart from getting us off the hook."
Dragon: "I'm oot!"


7,812 posts

156 months

Friday 12th January 2018
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Just noticed that the so-called consultation period for our county libraries ends tomorrow. What I didn't realise is that not only does NCC want to rid itself of any costs/responsibility of operating the libraries, but they are also expecting any interested 3rd Parties to pay them a big fat rent or even buy the buildings outright!

So in summary: if we want these libraries to stay open NCC will charge any new operator huge fees for the privilege of running this service on behalf of their many tens of thousands of council tax payers. And if no-one comes forward to take this on, they will close down the libraries, lay off the staff and sell off the real estate to developers. Hmm, NCC and property developers? Haven't we been here before...?


13,387 posts

256 months

Friday 12th January 2018
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LotusOmega375D said:
"The Conservative-led council revealed in December that it was looking to increase council tax by almost 5% as it sought to make savings of £34.3m."
Central Beds want a 6% increase! Madness.

It's already higher than some areas of London.


906 posts

145 months

Saturday 20th January 2018
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The bottom line is while we still pay our Council Tax, they will keep putting the prices up.

Maybe they need to raise revenue by holding more of these courses...the tragic thing is we democratically elected these oafs (again).


1,748 posts

159 months

Saturday 20th January 2018
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The increases being requested are way less than the government cuts they’ve already suffered. And some of this money goes to policing - does *anyone* (other than the crims) want less spent on policing?

Edited by 88racing on Saturday 20th January 18:23


7,812 posts

156 months

Thursday 1st February 2018
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I'd say the Council would be delighted if police funding was cut. They might not get away with the "missing" £10.25m loan otherwise...

Today's update:

"The police are investigating allegations of "theft, fraud, bribery, misconduct in public office, electoral offences and money laundering".

Don't you just love the world of local politics? Truly work for people who can't do proper jobs.


Original Poster:

12,300 posts

275 months

Thursday 8th February 2018
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LotusOmega375D said:
I'd say the Council would be delighted if police funding was cut. They might not get away with the "missing" £10.25m loan otherwise...

Today's update:

"The police are investigating allegations of "theft, fraud, bribery, misconduct in public office, electoral offences and money laundering".

Don't you just love the world of local politics? Truly work for people who can't do proper jobs.
Much as it pains me to be fair to the County Council; the investigation you refer to is focused on Northampton Borough Council - a different authority entirely. The people of Nupton are doubly blessed...


735 posts

168 months

Thursday 8th February 2018
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Pupp said:
Much as it pains me to be fair to the County Council; the investigation you refer to is focused on Northampton Borough Council - a different authority entirely. The people of Nupton are doubly blessed...
Indeed - I suspect with NCC it's just a general ineptness though.

What surprises me is some of the decisions councillors have made, you cannot imagine them making the same decisions in their business life.
As an example, Project Angel...

The outlay of £7 million on Chester Farm this year whist they are shutting vital services is another bizarre project.


7,812 posts

156 months

Thursday 8th February 2018
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There's an interesting BBC website bar chart on this page:

When I look at it, it tells me that Northamptonshire County Council spent significantly less than they had budgeted for in each of the previous 4 years prior to the year 2016-17.

Since I have no recollection of ever been given a Council Tax rebate by NCC for any of those years, I can only assume that they have safely invested all that excess funding for a rainy day. In which case they shouldn't be having any problems this year!


Original Poster:

12,300 posts

275 months

Thursday 8th February 2018
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LotusOmega375D said:
There's an interesting BBC website bar chart on this page:

When I look at it, it tells me that Northamptonshire County Council spent significantly less than they had budgeted for in each of the previous 4 years prior to the year 2016-17.

Since I have no recollection of ever been given a Council Tax rebate by NCC for any of those years, I can only assume that they have safely invested all that excess funding for a rainy day. In which case they shouldn't be having any problems this year!
If only!

Local govt finance is horrendously complex and constrained by regulation but I do know the County had an adverse Children's Services inspection in the last couple of years that resulted in massive expenditure to back-fill the failings and try to recover... probably not the sole cause but I would anticipate an indicator of the general health of corporate and financial functioning. If balanced finely, it doesn't take much to tip over...

One thing is for sure, there are quite a few prominent functionaries and politicians who should hang their heads in shame. Don't hold your breath 'though...

Chris Type R

8,097 posts

252 months

Wednesday 28th February 2018
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pmanson said:
Central Beds want a 6% increase! Madness.

It's already higher than some areas of London.
4.5% agreed last week with a proposal to charge an extra £40pa for garden waste removals and 3 weekly non recyclable waste collections. £2700 pa now !


13,387 posts

256 months

Thursday 1st March 2018
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Chris Type R said:
pmanson said:
Central Beds want a 6% increase! Madness.

It's already higher than some areas of London.
4.5% agreed last week with a proposal to charge an extra £40pa for garden waste removals and 3 weekly non recyclable waste collections. £2700 pa now !
Great (not). That would be put mine up to £2800+

I've already sent feedback in about the refuge collection saga. They need a cull of the non-jobs and certainly in Leighton Buzzard stop putting in loads of traffic calming etc (to then launch a £100k consultation on how to get the congestion in the town down)


7,812 posts

156 months

Thursday 15th March 2018
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The Government recommends scrapping Northamptonshire County Council altogether. Problem is the half-wits and crooks in control would just end up working for whatever was put in to replace it.

Maybe we can be adopted by one of our neighbouring counties? We could change the county name to South Leicestershire, West Cambridgeshire or something.


735 posts

168 months

Thursday 15th March 2018
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The full report is here - it's pretty scathing of a lot of NCCs decisions and actions in the recent past.


7,812 posts

156 months

Thursday 15th March 2018
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BBC Look East is broadcasting live from a brewery in Northampton at the moment. They are interviewing some of the local political “dignitaries” about the mess. Kind of apt, when you consider the old saying about folk being unable to organise a piss up in a brewery!


Original Poster:

12,300 posts

275 months

Friday 16th March 2018
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Thread running in NP&E...

The prospect of Unitaries being grown out of the likes of Kettering might mean we need a bigger brewery!


7,812 posts

156 months

Friday 11th May 2018
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They've now found 2.2 million quid to top-up the shortfall in an archaeology project.

Sod the libraries and pot-holes then.


7,812 posts

156 months

Wednesday 30th January 2019
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As mentioned in the above post a year ago, it now looks like Northamptonshire County Council is going to get their 5% council tax rise out of us to pay for their incompetence.

3% is considered the usual maximum allowable increase.

That's a nice goodbye present before NCC is scrapped next year.



735 posts

168 months

Wednesday 20th February 2019
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It'll be 5% then, plus an extra 3% for social care, then whatever our new police & fire overlord can get away with.

NCC and most of its councillors are utterly appalling if you ask me - though they seem to have abandoned their power grab on the new unitary steering groups.
The way they've tried to spin the sale of OAS and transfer of the cash into the revenue budget as fixing the financial problems is amazing.