Look Outside!



46,638 posts

278 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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The_Burg said:
Podie said:
We had a dusting last night. More expected during the day apparently, and a bit more on Friday.

Winter tyres FINALLY due to arrive on Monday, so it'll all have gone by then. irked
Up to 11oC and Tuesday apparently. Though the forecast has been almost totally wrong so far i wouldn't panic.
Accuweather on the iPad has been pretty good smile

Tyre Tread

10,542 posts

219 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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The_Burg said:
Up to 11oC and Tuesday apparently. Though the forecast has been almost totally wrong so far i wouldn't panic.
11deg C. woohoo positively tropical!

I hope so. Then I can get out in the garage and put the Rover back together without getting frostbite.


1,270 posts

165 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Did have another flurry of snow last night and again today in daventry, roads are still pretty terrible.


354 posts

180 months

Thursday 24th January 2013
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These snow tyres are serving me well!!


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Monday 11th February 2013
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Quite a bit of snow in Boghorror.


2,355 posts

240 months

Tuesday 12th February 2013
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Good 3 inches or so fell Sunday night in Towcester. Seems like there was less in many other areas.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Tuesday 12th February 2013
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Blipi said:
Good 3 inches or so fell Sunday night in Towcester. Seems like there was less in many other areas.
More in Desbog, how you doing by the way? Replaced the Blip Mobile?


2,355 posts

240 months

Tuesday 12th February 2013
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Doing great ta!

Yup, have a fab new Blipii. She's had a few tweaks and I'm loving her!

Off to my first petrolhead event for Sunday Service this weekend! smile Woohoo!


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Sunday 10th March 2013
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And it's back. Just as the shed Passat diesel dies so back in the MGF.
First ever off, just exiting roundabout and 360'd so fast i couldn't catch it.
Luckily no obvious damage except to pride.


1,270 posts

165 months

Sunday 10th March 2013
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Its been snowing round daventry all day, not settling though mind!


3,114 posts

232 months

Sunday 17th March 2013
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Er , yep its the white stuff again and I'm not talking milk ! You can always tell when its spring can't you !


1,270 posts

165 months

Saturday 23rd March 2013
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This morning


16,744 posts

220 months

Saturday 23rd March 2013
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4,415 posts

204 months

Saturday 23rd March 2013
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Just over the border in Harborough.


1,091 posts

217 months

Wednesday 4th December 2013
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once again its that time of year again, that means the weather bods cant seem to get it right so we all come on here and update the weather situation in real time. bounce


1,091 posts

217 months

Thursday 30th January 2014
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first sign of snow this morning. clap

Tyre Tread

10,542 posts

219 months

Thursday 30th January 2014
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Snowing here as I type - be careful out there people


3,503 posts

192 months

Friday 31st January 2014
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Well that snow lasted long didn't it!

Pah this winter is proving to be a let down, I need to get my annual snowman fix!


16,744 posts

220 months

Tuesday 11th February 2014
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Snow in the Kettering area.


12,299 posts

275 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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Anyone else experience that violent little squall that battered (and I mean battered) the Thrappo area at about 3pm? Thunder, darkness, hail, more hail, wiiiiNNDDDDS eek

Quite exciting for a couple of minutes and will be surprised if no damage locally