Look Outside!



Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Friday 19th February 2010
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Comon sense prevailed twixt Desbog and Rowel, folk actually leaving huge gaps and taking a run up t the hill. Was quite shocked.
This morning no chance of getting car off the drive, a good 4" and icy as fook.
Still was planning on working from home anyway.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Saturday 27th November 2010
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A thin skim of the white stuff in Desborough.

My oldest thread still alive, makes me feel all emotional.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Tuesday 30th November 2010
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Maybe and inch in Desboghorror, at the very most.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Friday 17th December 2010
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Nothing as usual North Northants.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Tuesday 18th October 2011
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This thread is like an old friend, nearly 4 years old now bless it!


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Friday 16th December 2011
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Soggy sleet in Desbog.
The Evening Telegraph OTT headline will be rumbling into action.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Sunday 18th December 2011
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Thin skim but slippery as hell this morning. All gone by 10:30.

Why does it never snow in Northants?


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 26th January 2012
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Come on snow ya b@5tard!


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Tuesday 31st January 2012
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Nothing here as usual. Amused listening to local radio this morning describing the snow as clearing later and heavy frost.
Nothing a 1.5 degrees.

London was much colder though, plenty of frosty cars at 8am.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Friday 3rd February 2012
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Slightest skim of the white stuff outside.

Not even enough for the ET to declare a white out.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Saturday 4th February 2012
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1/2 inch or 12.7mm on Bog Horror.



Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Saturday 4th February 2012
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Tyre Tread said:
Pop over to Harborough. Must be 2 inches by now and snowing heavily
Oooh. Best make sure you have food supplies saved. If it gets worse you may not be safe to go outside!

Come on real snow! 6" minimum to declare a real white day.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Saturday 4th February 2012
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Tyre Tread said:
I'd rather it was all gone by tomorrow evening. I used to like snow but I must be getting old.
Grandad we love you, grandad we do, even though you creaky and can't hold your poo.............


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 9th February 2012
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Yep, coming down well here. About 1.5" of fresh snow, over ice.

Happy driving. Thankfully it's W@H day tomorrow smile


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Sunday 12th February 2012
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[quote=Blipi]Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing!
How's it going Steph?


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 23rd February 2012
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Well looks like that's it for another year, a slight dusting of snow as usual.

Roll on next year!


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Sunday 4th March 2012
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Hmm quite a bit of sleet today and it is getting jolly cold.
Forecast says a slight risk of the white stuff.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Monday 15th October 2012
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Ooh my oldest thread returns, nearly 5 years old. Might have to have party for it. (Shame i will be in Egypt on its birthday).


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 22nd November 2012
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Bugger, missed this threads 5th birthday!

Can't believe it's so old.

Anyway bring on the snow 3rd December please. (30% chance apparently).


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Wednesday 5th December 2012
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Little bit in Desbog.
Bedfordshire looked quite snowy.

Trains services failing already in some areas. Useless!