Look Outside!



Original Poster:

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217 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Around 6:30am, my dozy misses decided to try and get to work in Rushden. Needless to say she got stuck, along with many others.
I had to walk a couple of miles to take her some boots as she decided flat shoes were appropriate footwear in 6-8 inches of snow.


(edited to add working link)

Edited by The_Burg on Thursday 5th February 08:09


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 5th February 2009
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Snowing again in Desborough.

Not getting into willy waving with Central but must be a good 6 inches.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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All public transport not running in Northants and all schools closed according to BBC.
Another snow day.

Had a wonderful afternoon, pub opened at 12:30 and was packed.
Not seen so many smiling faces out and about.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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Snowing again in Desboghorror.
Getting bored working from home now though.
Need to speak to people.
Still may be able to have a quick beer at lunch time smile


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4,848 posts

217 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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Geek, just get heavy duty bin bags or a tray!


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4,848 posts

217 months

Sunday 8th February 2009
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Snowing hard in Desbog.


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4,848 posts

217 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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Any snow yet?
I have actually gone to work today, very odd, get on train at Kettering, get off at London and not even the merest hint of snow.
Horrible here, peeing down with rain and everything wonderfully grey.
Can't wait to get back to the snow, (unless it's all gone).


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4,848 posts

217 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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No, please let there be snow!
Looking forward to getting back to the white stuff from the grey wet city!


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4,848 posts

217 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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Tyre_Tread said:
The_Burg said:
No, please let there be snow!
Looking forward to getting back to the white stuff from the grey wet city!
Good news (for you) is that its stopped raining. No snow yet though.
Yay, i want more snow. Nothing better than snow walking with the hound smile

Though he refused to walk in fresh snow yesterday, probably because it was more like ice.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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Podie said:
The_Burg said:
Tyre_Tread said:
The_Burg said:
No, please let there be snow!
Looking forward to getting back to the white stuff from the grey wet city!
Good news (for you) is that its stopped raining. No snow yet though.
Yay, i want more snow. Nothing better than snow walking with the hound smile

Though he refused to walk in fresh snow yesterday, probably because it was more like ice.
If my nuts were that close to snow, I'd be reluctant too...
He's greyhound and particularly big one at that, oh and his nuts are no more anyway.
(Gotta feel sorry for dachshunds though)


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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And snowing well in Desbog!
Yay, i was gutted that it was fading, heres looking forward to another snow day.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Monday 9th February 2009
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Definitely settling here, cars nice and white.
Road still has several inches left from before.
Only dug them out yesterday too. The joys of living in a cul-de-sac.


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4,848 posts

217 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Well no more snow, just still got several inches of ice on the ground!
Lethal driving conditions this morning.
Either snow or sun required now to sort the mess out.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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No rain in Desbog. Still very thick ice round my cul-de-sac.
Slippery as a greased very slipppery thing!
Was hard driving to Kettering this morning down the back roads, (A14 was not moving), coming up hill to Orton was a challenge to say the least.


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4,848 posts

217 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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Shellshine said:
I've looked outside... it's dark... so I'll wait 'til the morning and look again... although, rumour has it that it's been raining and the several inch thick layer of compacted ice on my road is slowly but surely turning to sushiness of the very mucky and slushy variety... I don't care... my leccy blanky is on and I've got a great book to read (sod all on telly)... so I'll face the weather again tomorrow! smile

Are you still prostate? Or should that now be prostrate!!??
A good idea i suspect, really need to get to the city though, work is missing me! lol


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4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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Here we go again: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/uk_forecast...

Snow = Good
Thick ice = Bad.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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central said:
My sister got stuck in her yard this morning.................

in an MX5.
By strange co-incidence there was bloke stuck in Kettering Station car park in an MX5 this morning.

Any new snow yet?


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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Driving conditions dire in Desbog, didn't know you could wheelspin at tickover in 2nd.
The mighty Astra diesel. A whole 75bhp.


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 17th December 2009
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My little thread springs back to life again, i'm so proud.
Very slight sprinkle in Desbog at lunch time but nothing else.
Come on snow................
(Better snow after putting 4 sparkly new tyres on the wifes car for extra grip when they had enough left for a bit longer).

Very, very cold though.

Just looked out and i can see stars, clear sky, no snow clouds at all frown

Edited by The_Burg on Thursday 17th December 17:54


Original Poster:

4,848 posts

217 months

Thursday 17th December 2009
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We have snow! Starting to settle in Desbog.