Where are the Italian PH Mob?

Where are the Italian PH Mob?



Original Poster:

2,604 posts

228 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2018
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Ok, so ‘Mob’ may not be the best term to use here, but you get the idea :-)

Who’s on PH and lives in Italy year round? Where are you, too?

My trouble ‘n’ strife and I are on a property recce soon and are weighing up the various regions. We’re not going too far down south...too damn hot!




Original Poster:

2,604 posts

228 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2018
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Pretty much. Been here a year solid now and despite learning the lingo and getting involved in local life, it’s just not hitting the sweet spot.

Out of the last three years we’ve spent over 18 months in various departments, yet none have inspired us to set down roots permanently.

So, Italy, what have you?! :-D