Buying a classic in Italy to export to the UK

Buying a classic in Italy to export to the UK



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178 months

Monday 8th June 2015
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My Wife has decided she would like a classic Fiat 500 for her 40th, which I'm not averse to.

I like the idea of getting one from Italy, as I think I'll get more for my money, plus it will be a bit of an adventure (I did something similar from the South of France in a 50 year old 2CV).

So, can anyone help me with the car buying process in Italy, for a foreigner...I believe the number plate stays with the owner, and assume that on the registration document it can me recorded as exported to me, this assuming that I'll bring it back on a trailer or similar.

What if I wanted to attempt the drive (!), is there any temporary export plates etc, or is the whole paperwork nightmare ? Doe it make any difference that it is a classic car, and and probably 40 years old ?

Any help or advice welcome