

Mr Tiger

Original Poster:

406 posts

131 months

Saturday 30th November 2013
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Is anyone lucky enough to own or have owned a Unipower? If so, could you give us some impression of what the car is like to drive and own please. Maybe some pics too.

Many thanks,


Mr Tiger

Original Poster:

406 posts

131 months

Saturday 8th March 2014
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Thanks for your reply. I suppose back then it would have just been considered an old kit car. I'd hate to think what a good one would be worth now, that's if you could find one.


Mr Tiger

Original Poster:

406 posts

131 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Thanks for replying. It's an interesting site. They refer to the cars as the 'Mini Miura'. There are 3 cars for sale but prices are somewhat beyond my means ranging from £24k for a restoration case to £116k that's been restored - ouch!
