Ashley/Tornado Special....

Ashley/Tornado Special....



Original Poster:

1,537 posts

247 months

Wednesday 20th February 2013
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Rather a long shot but I wonder if anyone remembers this car? As you can see it is an Ashley Laminates body but on a Tornado chassis rather than the more usual Ford item. The registration was 7460 UR. I built it whilst an apprentice and was the beginning of my fondness for fibreglass (particularly the smell!). I later re-built a Europa Twin Cam followed by my current car which is a TVR Griffith 500.

If anyone recalls this car I would be most interested to hear from them.


Original Poster:

1,537 posts

247 months

Thursday 28th February 2013
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Electron....thanks for looking. It was probably scrapped many years ago but I thought it might be worth asking anyway.