Goodwood Historic Car Park.

Goodwood Historic Car Park.



Original Poster:

205 posts

219 months

Sunday 21st September 2008
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On Friday in the 'road tax free' show car park, it was nice to see the two Gilberns that I had spotted. A nice green Genie and an earlish looking GT. Although I went for all three days, I didn't see any others, or them again, and as a pervious owner of a Gilbern I was pleased to see the cars. I sold my Invader 26 years ago to buy the same MGB that I arrived in on Friday, and the rest of the weekend. My Mum had bought this B new 10 years earlier, sold it to me, and I couldn't afford them both!

The DVLA website shows my old Invader as existing but not on the road for many years, I wonder what happened to that? I'm fairly sure I'll own another Gilbern before too long, as I've always liked the individuality. Just need another garage! Kim.


20 posts

219 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2008
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If you email me with details of your old car, it is likely we have some history from club records. Come and visit us anyway at