Gilbern Genie - heater upgrade advice

Gilbern Genie - heater upgrade advice



Original Poster:

605 posts

222 months

Monday 21st May 2007
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I've just taken a look at the original heater for my Genie and decided that an upgrade is required. Has anyone else looked into this and done anything ??

My main improvement will be on the demisting ability as my heater box doesn't appear to have a fan ?!




20 posts

219 months

Sunday 3rd June 2007
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My personal experience is with Mk3s but a fellow member responding to a similar questition in the Club magazine has given following response.

Interested in your complaint about Gilbern Heaters
Some of us older members remember that when Gilberns were being marketed the fact that they had a heater was a sales topic as the normal family car at that time was offered with heater EXTRA.
The Gilbern heater is not up to current standards by a long way. If you have a Genie,1 or 2 I suggest you try to obtain an earlier type Land Rover heater as they came in a complete box which fits in the Gilbern heater space.

Misted windows? Try Holts demister. Absolutely miraculous One spray clears the worst of mists and will last all week.

Edited by wxm4 on Sunday 3rd June 12:24