where are they now?



Original Poster:

262 posts

220 months

Sunday 2nd April 2006
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Do you know of any Gilberns that need rescuing or are you looking for a Gilbern to buy?
Did you once own a Gilbern or are you trying to locate it again, then post a reply here? Several cars were exported or taken abroad are they still about?
This could be a sort of matchmaking forum for existing and potential owners!


254 posts

235 months

Monday 3rd April 2006
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There is one that needs to be "rescued" near me. It's currently doing a good job of cultivating brambles in a front garden.
Next time I go past it I'm stopping and going to knock on the front door and ask about it -probably like what a million others have done.


Original Poster:

262 posts

220 months

Monday 3rd April 2006
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Do you happen to know what the Reg is or what Mk this gilbern is? If you get a chance try to find out the chassis No, which is punched into a plate on the frame in the engine bay.
Maybe the owner has been meaning to do it up but hasn't been able to find the time.... yet?As you know If its not on SORN then the owner risks having it scrapped, which would be a shame. Its got a certain limited value, but if its a 'non-runner'in poor condition then you would have to be pretty dedicated to put it back on the road.( which isn't impossible as there are still most parts available to recommission them).
Good luck with you enquiries.


6 posts

210 months

Sunday 14th January 2007
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Hi, did you ever knock on about that Gilbern? I have a 1969 MKI Invader & am looking for one for possibly spares or if not too bad body wise for restoration.I have a spare engine & box to start.Just wondered.Dave.


Original Poster:

262 posts

220 months

Wednesday 17th January 2007
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type I will email you a list of possible cars for sale to you soon. No further news on the car posted above sorry, you do see some going on ebay sometimes, keep looking and good luck with finding one.


254 posts

235 months

Friday 2nd February 2007
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Sorry, haven't been past that car since last post.
Need to make a detour one day to see if it's still there.


254 posts

235 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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Got a photo of it last week, not too good. I will go back when I have more time.

It has wire wheels, I've not seen that on a Gilbern before.


4 posts

220 months

Monday 26th February 2007
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Hi Si J,
this is an early Gilbern Genie with wire wheels. ( MGB axles? )
I am very interested in the details of this car , as I am trying to build a Genie database for the GOC. This maybe a chassis number below no 40 due to the wire wheels, unless it was an optional extra ordered for the car?
It would be very helpful to have any more details you can get, especially a number plate or chassis number?
Regards Julian ( can you please email me off list on julian@crinall.fsworld.co.uk if you are able to establish any more details or you can provide a location on this car. Looks like it needs saving soon?)


254 posts

235 months

Monday 26th February 2007
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vitesseestate said:
Hi Si J,
this is an early Gilbern Genie with wire wheels. ( MGB axles? )
I am very interested in the details of this car , as I am trying to build a Genie database for the GOC. This maybe a chassis number below no 40 due to the wire wheels, unless it was an optional extra ordered for the car?
It would be very helpful to have any more details you can get, especially a number plate or chassis number?
Regards Julian ( can you please email me off list on julian@crinall.fsworld.co.uk if you are able to establish any more details or you can provide a location on this car. Looks like it needs saving soon?)

There are no number plates visable on the car, I couldn't get many more photos as the location only has a single track road next to it and someone wanted to get past. I'll park further away next time and get some more photos as there is also something very interesting in the back yard of the property. As for the property itself, I'm thinking twice about knocking on the door and inquireing, Leatherface might answer eek
I'll contact you with the location details, I'd like to "rescue" it myself


632 posts

211 months

Monday 5th March 2007
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My old Mk3 is on ebay


Its not looking its best but has been dry stored for many years, I sold it a few years ago to its current owner for £100 as he assured me he would NOT let it go to waste

and for some reason he no longer has the rear screen.


605 posts

222 months

Saturday 14th April 2007
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I've bought this Red Genie and hopefully it's restorable ...


Contact me off line and I'll give your more details on Monday after I've collected it.