

Mr Tiger

Original Poster:

406 posts

131 months

Saturday 30th November 2013
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Is anyone lucky enough to own or have owned a Unipower? If so, could you give us some impression of what the car is like to drive and own please. Maybe some pics too.

Many thanks,



68 posts

124 months

Friday 7th March 2014
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Just spotted this. A school friend of mine used to get dropped off in one in the late 70s/ early 80s. I never went in it but he said it was quite quick and it sounded sporty but certainly no MGB.

It leaked, overheated and was a bit of a dog overall.

Mr Tiger

Original Poster:

406 posts

131 months

Saturday 8th March 2014
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Thanks for your reply. I suppose back then it would have just been considered an old kit car. I'd hate to think what a good one would be worth now, that's if you could find one.



3,623 posts

234 months

Thursday 14th January 2021
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Mr Tiger

Original Poster:

406 posts

131 months

Friday 15th January 2021
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Thanks for replying. It's an interesting site. They refer to the cars as the 'Mini Miura'. There are 3 cars for sale but prices are somewhat beyond my means ranging from £24k for a restoration case to £116k that's been restored - ouch!
