Any Gordon Keeble Owners Out There?

Any Gordon Keeble Owners Out There?


Mellow Yellow

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265 months

Tuesday 7th August 2012
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So here's the box, compleet with '63 Hurst shifter

New clutch:

Mated to the engine, it all fits smile

...shiny new coat of paint, and note that your words on core plugs didn't fall on deaf ears, Ben.

Another one to keep an eye on, this is one of the trailing arms, rusted through from the inside. The others all looked fine but once off the car you could shake them and hear a substantial amount of rust moving around inside:

These are the Terry harris replacements, heavier gauge steel all round, he's made a spare set to "keep on the shelf".

The hitch: problem with the splines on the box, prop only goes in half as far as it should. Last time I spoke, Terry had just got permission (from Claremont) to take the back off and investigate.

Mellow Yellow

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265 months

Wednesday 15th August 2012
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Gearbox main shaft splines turned out to be twisted so replacement main shaft required. I was facing the prospect of the replacement shaft being ordered from the US and waiting for the gearbox supplier to have it fitted but G-K Spares came to the rescue. After a dig around in the parts bin a good 2nd hand main shaft was located and sent to Terry who's fitted it, all is well. The original gearbox supplier agreed to foot the bill with no fuss. Engine/Gearbox should now be back in the car, dashboard is back together, rear seat-belts are being fitted. Should be finished next week driving

Mellow Yellow

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265 months

Thursday 16th August 2012
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V10Mike said:
Did you check the speedo drive gears before you fitted the box? You can change the driven gear once it's installed, but changing the drive gear fitted to the output shaft involves removing the gearbox tailshaft housing.
I'm relying on Terry Harris to do the work as I have neither the time or knowledge to do it myself. I've a lot of faith in his ability and the engine/gearbox should be in hopefully he did!

Mellow Yellow

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265 months

Friday 17th August 2012
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I guess it’s difficult to put a price on a one-off but seems to be missing quite a lot of bits. The best thing G-B can find to say about it seems to be “Interesting” (twice), not sure I could live with that white interior though. Hopefully somebody will buy it and another one will be back on the road.

Mellow Yellow

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265 months

Tuesday 21st August 2012
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I think the end is finally in sight! Paid Ch76 a visit on Monday and things are looking good. The dashboard is all back in place, it’s all cleaned up and looks like it just left the factory. The engine and gearbox are in, even had it running, sounds great as tappets have been adjusted. Brackets are all in for the rear seatbelts, Terry’s taken a lot of time making/positioning brackets to ensure everything ideally situated without being intrusive. Should be ready for collection this weekend. Sorry, no photos as camera batteries dead but Terry has a full set so will post some up soon.

Mellow Yellow

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265 months

Friday 24th August 2012
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B7trr said:
...still not wearing those new bumpers!

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Thursday 30th August 2012
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Well, picked Ch76 up at the weekend, despite an hour queueing in hot weather on the M25 the car didn't miss a beat, never went over 87 degrees. Box still a bit stiff but, overall the car is way better than when I bought it, all vibration gone and I'm very pleased with the standard of work. Couple of pics although I'll try and get a better one of the dashboard as the photo doesn't do it justice:

Airbox and top of radiator could do with a rub down and touch of paint, another job for the list. Going to try and make the Beaulieu autojumble on 9th, see what bits I can find.

Mellow Yellow

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265 months

Sunday 2nd September 2012
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V10Mike said:
You're lucky -I see you've got the Ernie Knott power steering pump installation which eliminates the swirl pot. Mine would always get a vapour lock in this configuration, only cured by reinstalling the swirl pot, as below:
I’ve not noticed any problems with fueling. Terry installed the additional filler cap in the same location as your swirl pot many years and two owners ago to overcome overheating problems due to air locks (or was that what you meant?). Removal of the original swirl pot being the cause.

Love those ram horn manifolds on yours but a long way to go with mine before I start buying goodies like that.

Mellow Yellow

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265 months

Thursday 13th September 2012
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Yep will be there on Sunday.....with Ch76!

Been meaning to post an update but a busy week. Did spot a set of Jack Pearce (JAP) Magnas in great condition at Beaulieu but the guy was sure they were for Jag, so don't think they'll fit a GK, also had concerns about refurbing magnesium wheels having read some horror stories. Vendor thought they were Aluminium and said he thought they did them in aluminium and Magnesium, but they were extremely light so not so sure myself. Any views on this Mike? they were the same pattern as yours and Huntsmans.

Will keep an eye out for your car phj, not this one is it?

Edited by Mellow Yellow on Thursday 13th September 20:42

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Monday 24th September 2012
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Yep, Ch76 made Goodwood and back without incident, no real boast as it’s less than 25 miles. Afraid I didn’t see your 850 phj but I was only in the car park at 07:30 and 18:00 and I’m guessing you arrived later and left earlier, didn’t catch Ch 68 either.

Did manage to get a day spent on the car before Goodwood and, following my shopping trip to Beaulieu, had a go at some of the trim jobs. Knocked up a new parcel shelf which looks lot better than the old one. Inspired by that I had a go at the centre console carpet. Ripped out the old section and used that as a template, did a bit of further trimming to get it about right then decided I had nothing to lose by having a go at vinyl edging.

The trim chap at Beaulieu suggested just cutting strips of vinyl rather than buying bespoke vinyl edging so that’s what I did. Dug out Mrs Mellows old manual Singer, no suitable edging tool but it worked fine stitching everything from the front, the stitch to hold the back is so close to the edging you’d never notice it. I was so pleased with the result that I think I’m going to have a go at the floor mats too. It’s only the cheapest of carpet but a vast improvement on the patched/threadbare piece it replaced. Will certainly do until I can afford a full re-trim.



So impressed, I had to take a pic’

…then realised I’d edged the wrong end rolleyes

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Thursday 18th October 2012
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It's all gone a bit quiet here, got those bumpers fitted yet B7trr? How's the man shed coming along huntsman?

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Tuesday 30th October 2012
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Just collected Ch76 last night after some further fettling by Terry (fueling issues and 3rd gear selection), all sorted now, wow what a difference. Weather was miserable but I think it's the first time I've driven it and it's felt like the car I'd hoped it would be. I was beginning to doubt the quoted acceleration times but now I don't doubt they're in the right ballpark. To my shame, I couldn't resist embarassing a Merc SLK exiting a traffic island, I'd not even dropped out of top!rolleyes All a bit late for the 2012 season, may squeeze in a trip to "Continental Classics" breakfast club on Sunday if it's dry, but looking forward to getting more miles under my belt in 2013.

Hope you're going to keep us posted with plenty of pictures over the Winter Huntsman.

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Sunday 4th November 2012
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Found a very reasonably priced company for classic pressed aluminium black/silver plates at Goodwood that I meant to post up. Jepson Classic plates in Sheffield (, £18.38 for a standard plate inc VAT and delivery (£19.40 with border). They also do bespoke plates for £61.28 was thinking of having one made to fit the Rover plinth.

Mellow Yellow

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265 months

Monday 5th November 2012
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Adrian Flux, About £170 for 3000 miles pa, garaged in West Sussex, I'm 2 years younger than the car and have no accidents, claims or convictions plus full NCB although I don't think that's relevant on the policy, they wanted an extra £15 to include the wife. It's insured for market value but that's only because I haven't got around to supplying the photos etc. to convert it to agreed value, i.e price would be the same for agreed value of around £25-30k.

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Tuesday 13th November 2012
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Huntsman said:
There's something in the manshed...
Fantastic, looks almost finished, presumably you'll be driving it to NEC at the weekend? wink

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Monday 19th November 2012
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Anyone got any pics af the GK stand from NEC?

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Tuesday 20th November 2012
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Cheers oneof99, I suspected the "something special" might be the De Bruyne but you're right, I didn't anticipate the double. Sorry I couldn't make it.

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Tuesday 27th November 2012
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Good to see some progress Hunstman, keep the pics coming.

Mellow Yellow

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894 posts

265 months

Wednesday 5th December 2012
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V10Mike, I've just realised that this is your car with a different set of wheels. Are they the Realm alloys? Long term I'm looking to replace Ch76's Wolfies with something more like the originals And the Realm alloys are the closest match.

Edited by Mellow Yellow on Wednesday 5th December 14:38

Mellow Yellow

Original Poster:

894 posts

265 months

Thursday 6th December 2012
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Huntsman said:
Mellow Yellow said:
I'm looking to replace Ch76's Wolfies
I'll releive you of the Wolfies, I love em!
...I know you do, don't think they're going to be available for a while though I'm afraid. Hoping to get them refurbed to original appearance in the new year, that's assuming I can find somebody to turn them spray the slots & laquer them for a good deal leass than the Realms. Either way I probably won't replace them until 2014/15 but rest assured, you're top of the list when I do.

We must be due some more photos Huntsman, you've had a whole weekend to spend on it since the last lot.

B7trr has been very quiet recently, still waiting to see those bumpers on the car.