High Mileage Cooper S
bazzer79 said:
I'm looking at buying a used Cooper S and have seen a few cars. Some have high mileage (80k+). How well do they hold it together? Anything in particular I need to be aware of? Should I bite the bullet and find another £1500 to get a lower mileage?
totally depends how it has been driven.not minis but I have been in / driven many 100k+ cars that are in better nic than ones with quarter of the mileage.
If it has FSH, drives OK once checking the usual components, and looks like it has spent most of its time on the motorway then go for it.
if it has badly kerbed wheels, saggy shiny seats that may be ripped, shiny steering wheel, scratches and dents all over then id leave it.
minis are generally reliable. a guy on mini2 has done almost 300k in his cooper

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