Mini Cooper S and Xenons

Mini Cooper S and Xenons



Original Poster:

54 posts

253 months

Friday 27th June 2008
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Hi All,

I have a mini cooper S 03 plate and have a intermittent fault on one of the xenons.

I have replaced the ballast with a known good one and bulb but the issues still remains. The fault was intermittant but now the drivers side xenon light has given up.. Is this a commobn problem with these cars and the xenons ? Any idea what else it could be ...

thanks in advance.


279 posts

234 months

Friday 27th June 2008
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Post the issue up oin and you'll get a much larger audience and hopefully someone that will be able to answer.

I am guessing that a good auto electrician is what you'll need next to track down the issue.


128 posts

207 months

Tuesday 1st July 2008
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I had a similar prob on my old 04 S Works and it was an ignitor that was faulty smile


44 posts

200 months

Thursday 3rd July 2008
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Dunno if you have fixed this, but try swaping the ignitor part with (silver square thing) with the other side. If the problem moves you know that is the problem, same with the bulbs.

I had to change the whole unit on mine.

You can pick a used one up on ebay for 50/60 ish - they are 350 from Mini!

If you look on like the above post, there is loads on there, its a really common fault.


Original Poster:

54 posts

253 months

Sunday 6th July 2008
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hi no its not the ignitor the problem is still their with a known good one. Must be the cabling or another part within the cluster.. Yup ebay is a good source for these parts.. lot cheaper than the main dealer rip off merchants..