JCW tuning options
Try GTT, Lohen, 1320 autos etc. They have a variety of packages to suit your wallet/needs. MINI2 has lots of info. My works was modded to about 230bhp plus lots of suspension mods, and Silent1 on here has his fairly fettled. If you still have runflats, DITCH THEM FIRST. Get a lighter set of wheels - the spokes are flippin heavy. I can't believe how different my car feels now its back to a standard S Works 
If your not going to put on track at any time then theres plenty of fairly simple and not to pricey things that can be done to "spice" it up. Beware though - its addictive, and dont throw any of the old bits away in case you want to sell it on
. Plenty of secondhand bits on MINI2 too if your not scared of a spanner.

If your not going to put on track at any time then theres plenty of fairly simple and not to pricey things that can be done to "spice" it up. Beware though - its addictive, and dont throw any of the old bits away in case you want to sell it on

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