Bubble finally burst?

Bubble finally burst?



Original Poster:

1,271 posts

222 months

Sunday 22nd June 2008
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Seems the bubble has burst on MINIs being easy to sell and holding value. Mines dropped from £11500 in march to asking under £9000 for it now frown (still a reasonable price for a 5 year old car I know). Wrong time to try and sell a thirsty impractical car with high insurance and tax methinks. On the same day I first put mine on PH classifieds, there were 3 more pages by the end of the day, and most havent sold and have been reduced. Looks like I will need to take the next silly offer or it will never go. Whats more frustrating is that I never would have started the process if I had known it was going to get this low smile - serves me right for wanting a Kit car biggrin Anyone else in the same boat? The only saving grace was that I got what I wanted for all the Mods I took off...



14,291 posts

237 months

Monday 23rd June 2008
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not quite the same boat.. but.. i had two original thoughts keep it for at least 5 years or change at 3... now going to keep it for ages.

i don't see the point of getting anything much quicker (so may as well keep it and potentially tune it a bit) in the modern world. we'll add a second car which will be asmall diseasel. but the MCS isn't that bad. it doesn;t need to be as uneconomical as it often is..it's like clarkson says - it's driving style.

my 3 year old superleggara ( hehe ) mcs chilli dsc with 29K miles isn't worth any more than £11k and probably less. but in the grand scheme of things £2k a year depreciation isn't that bad (and that's including the slide). if you want to cheer yourself go over to the porsche forum...


279 posts

234 months

Monday 23rd June 2008
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Think all cars are taking a hammering just now, and the Think all cars are taking a hammering just now, and the Supercharger MCS's are not good on fuel or tax frown

They do sound lovely though...


14,291 posts

237 months

Monday 23rd June 2008
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the thing is whilst it isn;t great on economy (and it isn't awful on that) it isn't that bad to tax either - only £300 in th future... plenty of other things that are the same performance or slower at £400.. and even £400 isn;t that bad. people are worrying themselves unnecessarily in my view.

but as you say - evrything is dropping.

imagine if you'd 'invested' in a turbo 5 cyl ford s-max...

i have decided not to give a rats ass. hehe


Original Poster:

1,271 posts

222 months

Monday 23rd June 2008
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I think the next offer on or over £8000 i will have to take. Tax is due and so is insurance. Plus I want the kitcar for the summer. Good to know its not just me though.

One thing I have learnt - get that stone chip protector stuff next time! - the amount of people put off by them - seem to be really obvious on the dark blue frown


279 posts

234 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
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Never heard of anything 100% effective for stone chips... some of the clear palstics you can stick on are well expensive. Plus heard when you remove they end up leaving a line where they stopped.

I expect best way would be to price and get a front end re-spray, would be debateable if you'd get the cost back on resale though.


14,291 posts

237 months

Wednesday 25th June 2008
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i have got a (lightly) stone chipped 'chrome' headlight surround. how annoying is that!?

you can get them 'blown in' rather than necessarily having the whole front end resprayed.

and i wish i'd gone down the plastic route too. as it does mostly protect. mine's not too bad as it hasn't been tracked..but it's still got a few chips. againm it could be worse..have you seen the average 350z...!?