Mini - american date format

Mini - american date format



Original Poster:

15 posts

201 months

Sunday 15th June 2008
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Hi - does anyone know if its possible to change the date format on the new Mini from MMDDYY to DDMMYY? Thanks


17,911 posts

229 months

Sunday 15th June 2008
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Is it a model with Sat Nav? If so I could imagine the option to change it is deep within the menus. If not perhaps your local BMW, sorry, Mini dealer can help.


Original Poster:

15 posts

201 months

Sunday 15th June 2008
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No satnav and Mini say they don't know how to do it. Looks like I will have to suffer the US format. Thanks


79 posts

215 months

Sunday 15th June 2008
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good job its a British car


8,174 posts

257 months

Sunday 15th June 2008
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the_bear said:
good job its a British car
It's a German car ;-)


3 posts

201 months

Sunday 15th June 2008
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If it's a new, new MINI (07 onwards) you can change all the units of measurement, including date format. To save me typing it all out, the details are in the owners manual (page 49 - 50 of my 2007 model). g_attrill, a German car is bound to display the European as well as American date formats!


5,182 posts

228 months

Sunday 15th June 2008
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the_bear said:
good job its a British car
There are no British cars anymore. Well, not in my price bracket anyway!

My Astra annoys me in that the trip computer uses a comma where we would use a decimal point.

How annoyingly foreign!wink


350 posts

218 months

Tuesday 17th June 2008
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When you are sat with car ticking over flick through computer to set/info push an hold to enter. Flick through to set an push an hold again, flick though to the one which says date or month push an hold change to setting you want push an hold again to save. Remember this will only change the one key