TLC Extension

TLC Extension



Original Poster:

8 posts

202 months

Friday 30th May 2008
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Hi all,

Can you tell me if the 3 year TLC extension is worth the £300 BMW are asking for?




2,386 posts

248 months

Friday 30th May 2008
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personally i would say yes, ring up bm and ask how much a service is and if its more than £100 then the £300 is worth it and esp as it keeps full main dealer service history



14,291 posts

237 months

Monday 2nd June 2008
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put it this way - it's 100 quid an hour labour for much of the country... services are actually what, 15,000 miles apart. you're going to have to struggle to miss out if you're keeping the car really.


14,291 posts

237 months

Monday 2nd June 2008
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put it this way - it's 100 quid an hour labour for much of the country... services are actually what, 15,000 miles apart. you're going to have to struggle to miss out if you're keeping the car really.


14,291 posts

237 months

Monday 2nd June 2008
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put it this way - it's 100 quid an hour labour for much of the country... services are actually what, 15,000 miles apart. you're going to have to struggle to miss out if you're keeping the car really.


2,386 posts

248 months

Monday 2nd June 2008
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you got a stutter lol



152 posts

256 months

Wednesday 18th June 2008
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A good question, and not as obvious as it looks. The general opinion is that it is a no brainer, but if you see what the "Service" covers it is generally no more than an oil change and a check around. All other consumable items are charged for.

So what you are getting is the cost of oil and filters and little things like washer fluid etc every 15,000 miles. Does it still sound such a good deal?


823 posts

207 months

Thursday 19th June 2008
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I spoke to my local dealer about my mcs tlc extension. They said it would cover an inspection 2 and 2 oil services. The cost of the exension is £300. The cost of an inspection 2 is £325. So even if I buy the extension and then only have the inspec 2 done I save £25, if i get to an oil service then i save £125. So it is worth it in my case. In other cases it will depend on how much mileage you do and how quickly you do it!!

Edited by Chris355 on Thursday 19th June 16:55


152 posts

256 months

Sunday 22nd June 2008
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OK, you get two oil changes plus filters and they have a bit of a look around, and if they find anything that needs rectification they charge you for it. Is this good value for £300? Or am I missing something here. How much is the oil and filter at Halfords? Even at todays prices it can't be more than £80 - £100 pounds?


823 posts

207 months

Monday 23rd June 2008
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My point was that if you intend to keep the car in dealer servicing then it is good value. I am not suggesting that it is good value generally!!


14,291 posts

237 months

Monday 23rd June 2008
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paulejacobs said:
How much is the oil and filter at Halfords? Even at todays prices it can't be more than £80 - £100 pounds?
and the works done by halfords...

..okay so bmw main stealers aren't ace..BUT...