Changing a Mini Gearknob

Changing a Mini Gearknob



Original Poster:

1,209 posts

217 months

Saturday 15th March 2008
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Can anybody help a colleague, he has a Mini Cooper S and has a new gearknob to fit but is struggling to remove the old one as it is just spinning.
Any help would be much appreciated


1,038 posts

220 months

Saturday 15th March 2008
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It pulls off.
both hands on it and yank hard-dont do what someone did a few years ago and let go as you pull it.It went through the rear screen!


Original Poster:

1,209 posts

217 months

Sunday 16th March 2008
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LOL that would warrant a bit of mickey taking at the pub.
Cheers for that I will pass it on


4,501 posts

238 months

Wednesday 19th March 2008
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I nearly put a hole in my headlining when i took mine off, rather tight.