05 Cooper S brakes

05 Cooper S brakes



Original Poster:

2,298 posts

247 months

Thursday 28th June 2007
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What do your brakes feel like, you (non-R56) Cooper S owners out there? Mine feel a bit mushy with a fair bit of pedal travel. Nothing like as sharp as my E90 320d. And the stoppers on my old 52 Cooper were better. The S's OK in 'normal' use, but if I want to stop or slow in a hurry, they're not exactly confidence-inspiring...

Anyone similarly diappointed? Anyone had a fix via a dealer?


14,291 posts

237 months

Thursday 28th June 2007
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they're on the limit of being good enough for the performance of the engine... but nowhere near as bad as your post sounds... i guess they do have a fairly long travel.. but not in a bad way if you see what i mean!


843 posts

224 months

Thursday 28th June 2007
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my coopers went musshy after the dealer repaced a calliper so i did the old kit car trick and wedged the brake pedal down over night to let the air lock out and they were back to normal

also i now have lohens LB1 brake pack :green stuff pads, steel braided hoses, grooved discs and AP 5.1 fuild) and that has made all the differnace makes the car feel much more solid