Longest MINI Convoy World Record Attempt - 28th March 2007
Just found this on MINI2.COM, sounds like a great idea and its for a good cause too!
I'm tempted but depends if I can get the time off from Uni. Theres a thread running here for people who are interested: www.mini2.com/forum/uk-ireland-confirmed-events/136784-28th-march-guinness-world-record-attempt-longest-mini-convoy.html
MINI2.COM said:
28th March - Guinness World Record attempt for the longest MINI convoy
Guniness World Record attempt for the longest MINI convoy !!
195 is the magic number,well it is for the longest MINI convoy ever recorded.
And this MINI2ers is the world record we want you to help us smash on the evening of
Wednesday 28th March 2007,when we don our big red honkers(that's noses to me & you) all in the aid of Comic Relief !
The current record is held by a MINI club in Vancouver but here at Derek Woodman MINI in Blackpool we reckon we can do far better ! We've been in touch and have the rules from the Guinnes World Records so it's all legit !
We're hoping each car taking part will donate a minimum of £5 so that we can raise over a £1000 for Comic Relief !
If you're interesred in being part of MINI history and/or just want to brag to your mates down the pub that you are a Guinnes World Record holder then please register your name,address,telephone number and car registration by contacting Alison Lamb on 01253 607600 or email her at
Guniness World Record attempt for the longest MINI convoy !!
195 is the magic number,well it is for the longest MINI convoy ever recorded.
And this MINI2ers is the world record we want you to help us smash on the evening of
Wednesday 28th March 2007,when we don our big red honkers(that's noses to me & you) all in the aid of Comic Relief !
The current record is held by a MINI club in Vancouver but here at Derek Woodman MINI in Blackpool we reckon we can do far better ! We've been in touch and have the rules from the Guinnes World Records so it's all legit !
We're hoping each car taking part will donate a minimum of £5 so that we can raise over a £1000 for Comic Relief !
If you're interesred in being part of MINI history and/or just want to brag to your mates down the pub that you are a Guinnes World Record holder then please register your name,address,telephone number and car registration by contacting Alison Lamb on 01253 607600 or email her at
I'm tempted but depends if I can get the time off from Uni. Theres a thread running here for people who are interested: www.mini2.com/forum/uk-ireland-confirmed-events/136784-28th-march-guinness-world-record-attempt-longest-mini-convoy.html
I sent an email earlier today but no response as yet. I presume the organiser responds with time and meeting place?
Hope to be there. A couple of friends have invited themselves along for the ride as well. The MCS will have had her new boots fitted by then (they arrived in the post today - hurray! Biggest delivery I've ever had!), so she can show them off to the rest of the convoy! Should be a good night.
Hope to be there. A couple of friends have invited themselves along for the ride as well. The MCS will have had her new boots fitted by then (they arrived in the post today - hurray! Biggest delivery I've ever had!), so she can show them off to the rest of the convoy! Should be a good night.

Edited by burns76 on Friday 16th March 20:14
Cool - the organiser is apparently off work until Sunday - so confirmations will be sent to you on or after Sunday. I’ve had confirmation, so just to wet your appetite here’s what the e-mail says: (if you dont hear back after a few days then it's probs a good idea to e-mail again as all the cars need to be registered for the Guiness Book of Records people)
Looks set to be a good night - my first MINI event aswell!
Woodmans have had a promotional MINI stickerd up which will head the convoy. Heres a few pics:
Sorry for the long post! But I hope that gives you some more details!
Confimation E-mail said:
Hello MINI Owners!
First of all a big red nosed thank you for agreeing to take part in Derek Woodmans Record Breaking Attempt for the Longest Parade of MINIs and secondly thank you for supporting this years Red Nose Day!
We're hoping to smash the current record of 195 so please do twist other MINI owners arms to participate as we need every MINI possible!!
The details we have so far for the evening are as follows:
We have arranged with the police for the convoy to set off at 8.00pm sharp so we will require everyone to arrive between 6.00pm - 7.15pm where Burgers and refreshments will be served. We need plenty of time to arrange the cars so that as we leave our site it is one continuous line of MINIs from the start line to the finish! At 7.30 there will be a drivers briefing regarding the rules/ safety etc.
The rules from the Guinness World Records!
* The line must be unbroken
* Cars must be no more than 2 car lengths apart
* All cars must travel the minimum 2 miles
* No overtaking!
Therefore we'll be travelling at a snails pace with our Red Nose MINI leading the way! But by doing the above - we'll make history!
Then back to the dealership for the official announcement by the Adjudicator and celebrations (fingers crossed!)
Regarding donations we would ideally like £5 per MINI to make our target of £1000 and you can do this either by visiting www.myrednoseday.com/derekwoodmanmini or we will take donations on the evening.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Alison x
First of all a big red nosed thank you for agreeing to take part in Derek Woodmans Record Breaking Attempt for the Longest Parade of MINIs and secondly thank you for supporting this years Red Nose Day!
We're hoping to smash the current record of 195 so please do twist other MINI owners arms to participate as we need every MINI possible!!
The details we have so far for the evening are as follows:
We have arranged with the police for the convoy to set off at 8.00pm sharp so we will require everyone to arrive between 6.00pm - 7.15pm where Burgers and refreshments will be served. We need plenty of time to arrange the cars so that as we leave our site it is one continuous line of MINIs from the start line to the finish! At 7.30 there will be a drivers briefing regarding the rules/ safety etc.
The rules from the Guinness World Records!
* The line must be unbroken
* Cars must be no more than 2 car lengths apart
* All cars must travel the minimum 2 miles
* No overtaking!
Therefore we'll be travelling at a snails pace with our Red Nose MINI leading the way! But by doing the above - we'll make history!
Then back to the dealership for the official announcement by the Adjudicator and celebrations (fingers crossed!)
Regarding donations we would ideally like £5 per MINI to make our target of £1000 and you can do this either by visiting www.myrednoseday.com/derekwoodmanmini or we will take donations on the evening.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Alison x
Looks set to be a good night - my first MINI event aswell!
Woodmans have had a promotional MINI stickerd up which will head the convoy. Heres a few pics:

Sorry for the long post! But I hope that gives you some more details!
I emailed the lady at the dealership and confirmed I'll be attending. Provided her with all the details they need in relation to the car etc, but just had an email back saying that we need to get there as near to 6.30pm as possible. Not had the confirmation posted above. Has anyone else had something similar? Don't want to be turned away for not being fully registered or something!
Sounds like your registerd! I agreed to this last week so maybe they have changed the confirmation e-mail to just ask for arrival at 6.30. If in any doubt just e-mail Allison on the dealership e-mail I'm sure she will confirm it with you
Latest news is that the police have suggested that the numbers should be capped at 250 and a reserve list is likely to be introduced for those too late with their application. Looks set to be a great night.

Latest news is that the police have suggested that the numbers should be capped at 250 and a reserve list is likely to be introduced for those too late with their application. Looks set to be a great night.
I got a letter from the dealership yesterday with everything confirmed, and details of the timetable for Wednesday, etc. I got very excited and my friends are also looking forward to it. Only problem I might encounter is that my P&J decided to break down last night (see my warning lights thread!) so I'm hoping she'll be back in full working order in time for the convoy.
burns76 said:
Only problem I might encounter is that my P&J decided to break down last night (see my warning lights thread!) so I'm hoping she'll be back in full working order in time for the convoy.
Sorry to hear that, hope you can get it fixed for the record attempt.
Now where did I put the auto glym?

gonzales said:
burns76 said:
Only problem I might encounter is that my P&J decided to break down last night (see my warning lights thread!) so I'm hoping she'll be back in full working order in time for the convoy.
Sorry to hear that, hope you can get it fixed for the record attempt.
Now where did I put the auto glym?

Ha ha ~ I'm back in the game again now!

Looking forward to seeing 250 MINIs smashing a world record!

Great news that you have you car fixed!
Im back at uni at the moment - but I made sure that the MINI was all clean and shiny before I put it back in the garage when I was at home this weekend. My housemates are thinking of coming up with me for the trip - depends whether they get their work done though!
Should be a great sight - I just hope that someone who is good with a camera gets some awesome shots - I'll take mine but I'm a bit of a cackhander when it comes to photography!
So how many people from PH are going on this - just the three of us in this thread?
Im back at uni at the moment - but I made sure that the MINI was all clean and shiny before I put it back in the garage when I was at home this weekend. My housemates are thinking of coming up with me for the trip - depends whether they get their work done though!
Should be a great sight - I just hope that someone who is good with a camera gets some awesome shots - I'll take mine but I'm a bit of a cackhander when it comes to photography!
So how many people from PH are going on this - just the three of us in this thread?
jolly said:
Great news that you have you car fixed!
Should be a great sight - I just hope that someone who is good with a camera gets some awesome shots - I'll take mine but I'm a bit of a cackhander when it comes to photography!
So how many people from PH are going on this - just the three of us in this thread?
Should be a great sight - I just hope that someone who is good with a camera gets some awesome shots - I'll take mine but I'm a bit of a cackhander when it comes to photography!
So how many people from PH are going on this - just the three of us in this thread?
And that is why the other half is coming with the digi SLR.
I guess not many petrolheaders in the north west.
Will DEFINITELY be there! Just finished Auto-Glyming my P&J to death and will be picking up my friends when they finish work at around 5pm (I took the day off for polishing!), probably arriving in Blackpool around 6.30-6.45. Red and white MCS with PH smiley in the back window.
See you all there!
See you all there!

Just landed back after a very enjoyable evening.
Great support from the Mini Dealership Derek Woodman who were hosting the event - free goodie bag for each crew, live music, free food and drink afterwards. Excellent!
The actual convoy was a hoot, with the Police cordoning off the road junctions so that the traffic jam of nose to tail minis could stay in one unit as per the rules. We did have one dodgy moment where someone in a Toyota Yaris somehow got past the various roadblocks and tried to join us, but everyone closed ranks beautifully and in the end he gave up!
And the final result, as ratified by the Guinness rep, was that the existing record of 195 cars was broken, with the new total being no less than 269. Never found out how much they raised for charity but it should be a fair bit at £5 minimum per car.
Great support from the Mini Dealership Derek Woodman who were hosting the event - free goodie bag for each crew, live music, free food and drink afterwards. Excellent!
The actual convoy was a hoot, with the Police cordoning off the road junctions so that the traffic jam of nose to tail minis could stay in one unit as per the rules. We did have one dodgy moment where someone in a Toyota Yaris somehow got past the various roadblocks and tried to join us, but everyone closed ranks beautifully and in the end he gave up!
And the final result, as ratified by the Guinness rep, was that the existing record of 195 cars was broken, with the new total being no less than 269. Never found out how much they raised for charity but it should be a fair bit at £5 minimum per car.
Superb - we had a great night! The official camera'd up MINI drove immediately in front of us for a couple of minutes - it didn't register with me immediately that it was filming backwards and that we were being recorded! I only let him in cos I thought the poor chap had broken down and wanted to rejoin the convoy - I thought he'd just gone a bit OTT with the stickers until I saw the camera!
It was an awesome sight to see so many MINIs in one place! My only criticism was that by the time we set off it was dark so it was difficult to appreciate the spectacle. But still, an excellent night nonetheless.
It was an awesome sight to see so many MINIs in one place! My only criticism was that by the time we set off it was dark so it was difficult to appreciate the spectacle. But still, an excellent night nonetheless.

Awesome night! It was such a spectacle (sp?) to see so many MINI's in a line. Some awesomely modded cars there aswell, a serious amount of cash had been spent on some of them! Got some free newministuff.com stickers - so will be putting them on the car tommorow. Along with the free woodmans one to make sure people know I was part of the record!
Got 40 ish pics - will happily put them on here at some point if people want. Anyone got any good photos to share?
Im still buzzing from it - such a good night!
Got 40 ish pics - will happily put them on here at some point if people want. Anyone got any good photos to share?
Im still buzzing from it - such a good night!
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