Any discounts on MCS
I dont think you will get a discount anywhere. New S's are selling so well the dealers dont need to discount for a sale. Best to try and get a few freebies lobbed in, I got a couple but I ordered before the first cars were being delivered. Now they are out there (and looking v cool) its more difficult...
londonmark said:
Hi everyone,
Just about to order a new MCS, but still dithering about what options I need/want!!
My question is; Does anyone know any dealers that offer discounts or upgrades?
London based, but would travel to surrounding counties. Cheers, Mark
Just about to order a new MCS, but still dithering about what options I need/want!!
My question is; Does anyone know any dealers that offer discounts or upgrades?
London based, but would travel to surrounding counties. Cheers, Mark
Hi Mark, happy to put you in touch with my dealer - in SE London. Basically I (family/friends) recently bought 3 new model minis from them (2 MCS, and 1 MC auto). Suffice to say I have considerable bargaining power with them now and on the third purchase they rolled out the red carpet!! - too right too. My friend and me both got TLC thrown in and about £700 of extras.
I can give my sales guy a heads up and you can name drop me when you contact them so they can give you the same treatment as if we know each other. Happy to speak to them for you to get you a quote also if you are deadly serious.
ping me an email on if you are interested.

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