
Initial thoughts are how great it sounds! It sounds far throatier than I recall on the test drive and also seems much quicker. Handling is top notch, feels like you have so much grip!! Only negative is the suspension, bit hard in terms of ride but I am guessing that's runflats at work.
Quick question, more out of interest than anything, there is a spare switch space next to the driver's window switch. What goes there normally?
So glad I returned to the world of MINI ownership!! It just looks and feel so well put together, much better than the Golf I traded. It also has that element of cool which is unbeatable, IMHO, regardless of how many Estate Agents drive them around! A cracking car.
Yep, that's what my car has. No probs. really, I got caught when I was 18 for having my fogs on (total accident, had been foggy so had them on and forgot to turn them on when I got into town) so i guess it's not a bad thing really!! Maybe I can put a switch in there for something extra...!!!
they sound much better once they've done a few miles as well so if you had tested a new car and then drove this it would sound different. for the first couple of thousand miles i was picking bits of baffle out of my exhaust!
if you want it to pop more use tesco 99ron! i of course use this fuel for the added performance but it's a nice bonus to get more popping... i am uncertain of the science here it must be the bioethanol in 99ron because on v-power whilst it still seems to do it more than 95ron it's nowhere near what it is on 99ron...
i was between all hyper blue and all black when i got mine. they almost look more stealthy in black (a good thing in many ways)!
if you want it to pop more use tesco 99ron! i of course use this fuel for the added performance but it's a nice bonus to get more popping... i am uncertain of the science here it must be the bioethanol in 99ron because on v-power whilst it still seems to do it more than 95ron it's nowhere near what it is on 99ron...
i was between all hyper blue and all black when i got mine. they almost look more stealthy in black (a good thing in many ways)!
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