K&N filter - good idea?
jimsupersix said:
I've heard a few cases of K&N style filters being thought to allow more dust and particles through in the air they pass, but this seems to vary dep. upon who you speak to
K&Ns are oiled cotton gauze filters. They're about the best that there is for removing airborne particles - far, far better than a paper filter element. They still flow a lot of air even after considerable use (which is not true of a paper element) and they're reusable - wash and re-oil, and they're as good as new.
Multi-layer foam filters often let through (very) small particles which a K&N would trap, though in return some of them can flow more air than a K&N. It is arguable whether those very small particles have any effect on the engine.
mo1984 said:
I've got a 53 cooper s and thinking of getting a 57i K&N induction kit on mine, i'm wanting to increase the bhp on mine but cant afford to get it upgraded to the dizzy heights of 250bhp yet so planning on just something to tide me over. Will this do it for me do you think?
there is no 57i for the S

i've been looking @ the this website www.filterpower.co.uk/kn_induction/bmw_kn.htm#MINI%2057i%20Kits:
Iv had one on mine now for about 40,000K and its fine. There is no noticable power difference, the car "picks up" better when you put your foot down and makes a bit of a rore but apart from that its all the same!
My verdict - Good Buy
go for it.
The only bad point is that the cone filter, in my opinion, is a bit of a bad fit on the mini. When you shut the bonnet it rubs on the bonnet cover and also rubs on a metal plate (im not technical) just below it.
But hey $hit happens!
My verdict - Good Buy

The only bad point is that the cone filter, in my opinion, is a bit of a bad fit on the mini. When you shut the bonnet it rubs on the bonnet cover and also rubs on a metal plate (im not technical) just below it.
But hey $hit happens!
get yourself the piper cross have had both it and the k&n and imo its much better www.lohen.co.uk
james f said:
get yourself the piper cross have had both it and the k&n and imo its much better www.lohen.co.uk
I have been thinking about it mate, to be honest i think i should replace the filter anyway a its looking a bit shagged!
Not being picky or disagreeing but in what way is it better?
Edited by liamrp on Tuesday 9th January 23:42
I had a K & N fitted to my cooper for 3 years and only ever had one problem with the ecu management, basically stopped working out the fuel/air mixture. Expect the car to feel rough for a few minutes on cold start up till it adjusts itself. Main gain for me was the noise it produces, makes the car sound much gruntier if theres such a word lol...
poogiepug1 said:
i got a 57i for my cooper s at xmas, not fitted it yet though but was woundering if it would make my warranty invalid?
yes and no it shouldnt harm the engine in anyway but it dose void the warrnaty as its a non standard part ive had varuois induction kits on my cooper (currently have a pipercross) and never had a problem with any of them
but it will invalidate the TLC mantinace pack if you dont swap the old air box back on
poogiepug1 said:
i got a 57i for my cooper s at xmas, not fitted it yet though but was woundering if it would make my warranty invalid?
wen you fit it will you let me know what difference it makes. im thinking of getting one on mine, i've been pricing up getting mine upgarded to 200 bhp for the time being and just want to see if there is much difference by just putting a 57i on, if there is i'll get one and get it upgraded to 250bhp in september
mo1984 said:
poogiepug1 said:
i got a 57i for my cooper s at xmas, not fitted it yet though but was woundering if it would make my warranty invalid?
wen you fit it will you let me know what difference it makes. im thinking of getting one on mine, i've been pricing up getting mine upgarded to 200 bhp for the time being and just want to see if there is much difference by just putting a 57i on, if there is i'll get one and get it upgraded to 250bhp in september
K&N dont do a 57i for the S give GTT a call roland will sort you out properly and is the best aftermarket engine tuner for the S www.gtt.uk.com/home.asp
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