Mini Cooper S Works GP - For Sale

Mini Cooper S Works GP - For Sale



Original Poster:

2,259 posts

226 months

Tuesday 22nd August 2006
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Found this whilst having a look at william loughrans website - delivery miles cooper GP for sale...

wiz 1

2,474 posts

225 months

Tuesday 22nd August 2006
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Cheeky buggers - get a car in to put on display then make a fat profit or could it be a private buyer/investor either way the car deserves to be owned by someone who wants to drive it - like me, when i win the lottery


131 posts

229 months

Thursday 24th August 2006
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So they are after a £4,000 profit.....a fair few are up for sale but I don't think any have actually sold yet!

Big Ashy

492 posts

264 months

Sunday 21st January 2007
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wiz 1 said:
Cheeky buggers - get a car in to put on display then make a fat profit or could it be a private buyer/investor either way the car deserves to be owned by someone who wants to drive it - like me, when i win the lottery

Sunday Times a couple of weeks ago, a private ad wanted £28500:00 with del miles only!!

james f

842 posts

224 months

Sunday 21st January 2007
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anyone who pays that much is truly stupid as there abput 8 on minichersihed for 22k or less in somne cases its a marmite car personlay i love the thing and will get one in 2 years just befoure their warrntys are up


340 posts

228 months

Sunday 21st January 2007
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Quite glad we didn't pay over list looking at some of those prices


11,191 posts

266 months

Sunday 21st January 2007
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They really aren't that difficult to get, they change hands regularly for some reason. When I started looking there was one at my local dealer (plus three others that the dealer could source) and four on PH Classifieds. There are two on PH now. 6 months old, 3k miles, £22k.


13,362 posts

248 months

Monday 22nd January 2007
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quite afew to be had early £20's v low miles

Big Ashy

492 posts

264 months

Sunday 11th February 2007
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eek Prices still very strong for cars with under 2K miles, two in The Times for £25000:00. scratchchin