Brooklands and/or Turbo Servicing

Brooklands and/or Turbo Servicing



Original Poster:

42 posts

221 months

Monday 17th April 2006
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Hi All,

My first post in the RR and Bentley forum so, please, be gentle!

I just have a query on Brooklands and/or Turbo R servicing. Bascially, how much does it cost to service these cars for say a 1994 car with c. 30k miles on the clock?

Just looking for the big and small service costs and any other 'big' events, as someone considering upgrading my BMW 5-series to something much nicer!

My parents ahd these cars a bit over 10 years ago (used to service it with Jack Barclay in London, pre-HR Owen) but looking for more contemporary figures, and whether specialists were any good, or even the norm?

Many thanks all and happy motoring!