Decisions decisions



Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Friday 2nd December 2005
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I'm in the market for a Bentley. The question is what should I go for. My budget is £85k ish. I really like the Continental GT, and I like the Arnage and I lust after an Azure. My budget means that I could buy any of these in the second hand market but obviously the Arnage and particularly the Azure would have to be "mature" vehicles. My usage would be about 10 - 12,000 miles per annum made up of long leisurely cruises down to and around southern Spain.

What would you go for?

If you have any experience of these beautiful cars (positive & negative) please respond.

Your undecided flash.


Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Saturday 3rd December 2005
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I think I'm leaning more towards the Continental GT. Although the Arnage is a beautiful motor I'm not sure I could use it everyday. I saw a beautiful 01 Arnage this afternoon at approximately £79K. However, compared to a Continental GT the technology is already "old" IMHO. I think that the Continetal GT is a more usable "everyday" car unless you can persuade me otherwise!


Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Sunday 4th December 2005
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Balmoral Green said:
Arnage = Single Malt
Continental = Blended

Precisely! I'm sipping a 15 year old malt as I write this but tomorrow night up to and including Thursday it'll be The Famous Grouse. A decent blend made in a high tech still and blended using the latest technology for everyday enjoyment.


Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Tuesday 6th December 2005
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IS200RJR said:
Be a real gentleman a buy an Anarge they are a real Bentley for real gentlemen

Please note my "handle" "flash git in denial". Do you really want someone like me in an Arnage?


Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Thursday 8th December 2005
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nonegreen said:
flashgitindenial said:
IS200RJR said:
Be a real gentleman a buy an Anarge they are a real Bentley for real gentlemen

Please note my "handle" "flash git in denial". Do you really want someone like me in an Arnage?

It would lower the tone quite a lot. It does make the scene from the Italian job spring to mind when Cain collects his DB4 from the garage. "You must have shot a lot of tigers" "Yes I use a machine gun". You would definately have to ask Mrs Flashgit to collect of for you to avoid being labelled as 'dodgy'.

Are you suggesting that my good lady is dodgy?


Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Saturday 10th December 2005
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I know my place. Just put a deposit down!


Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Sunday 11th December 2005
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Balmoral Green said:
flashgitindenial said:
I know my place. Just put a deposit down!

Fantastic! So what colour combo have you bought?

Diamond Black, Portland hide, 19" split rim alloys etc.



Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Monday 12th December 2005
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nonegreen said:
derestrictor said:
Sorry, old boy but which one is it you've gorn for?

I think the bounder has gorn for the VW thingie (Its only taken him 2 years to decide)

Yep it's true. I know my place. I've even put the Jaguar in PH Classifieds but then wait until you see what I'm importing fron the USA in the new year!


Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Wednesday 14th December 2005
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nonegreen said:
flashgitindenial said:
nonegreen said:
derestrictor said:
Sorry, old boy but which one is it you've gorn for?

I think the bounder has gorn for the VW thingie (Its only taken him 2 years to decide)

Yep it's true. I know my place. I've even put the Jaguar in PH Classifieds but then wait until you see what I'm importing fron the USA in the new year!

Oh god its gonna be garish and flash innit?

It could be a Hummer!


Original Poster:

823 posts

256 months

Friday 23rd December 2005
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It's on its way. Should take delivery on Thursday!!