205GtiDrivers.com in trouble
Just had the following email:
email said:
As some of you may remember, exactly 4 years ago we've had a round of user donations that saved 205GTIDrivers.com from closing down and we thank you for that once again. Since then we've been able to set up a source of funding and it has worked fine up until about 6 months ago when we run into huge problems with hosting due to increased size and popularity of 205GTIDrivers.com, primarily the computer-resource-hungry forum. The solution came in a form of moving the whole site over to our own server which solved all the problems and made the website and especially the forum faster then even before and we've not had to look back since. The one and only but a major drawback is that the running cost have multiplied several times (almost into double figure) over what they used to be which has quickly eaten up the resources of the other kind - funds. Since 205GTIDrivers.com has always been completely free resource of information and we have firmly decided to keep it like that forever, rather than introducing subscriptions or other similar limitations and after a few months of delaying it - we opted to once again ask for your free-willing help. The donations are not obligatory at all and you won't be judged for not donating ofcourse and the amount is also left for you to decide. We are sure that, even if it's just a fraction of what the existence of forum has saved or gained you or what other clubs charge for subscription, that it will be enough to keep us running. We will "reward" you by presenting you a donor logo and ofcourse - keep providing great service and expanding 205GTIDrivers.com with new features. To cut the story short, we've set up PayPal donations page (for £/GBP donations) here: http://www.205gtidrivers.com/donations.html Please add a little bit to cover the fees if you'd want us to receive the full intended amount and try to specify your username so we could upgrade your account (otherwise please send me a PM telling me you've sent the donation). For people interested in donating but not being able or not wanting to use PayPal, we can take donations in form of cheques, but please PM me for details on this. We hope you'll appreciate our ongoing efforts and give us your support once again. Just a reminder that we have arrangements with several companies to provide discounts for our members, so check the list (pinned topic in Group Buys and Discounts sub-forum) which could save you money - for free! And also a reminder for all of you who perhaps haven't visited us in a while, to log in and check what you've been missing out on in your absence. Thank You. 205GTIDrivers.com Admin & Moderating Team
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