Getting Started in Scale Modelling

Getting Started in Scale Modelling



Original Poster:

8 posts

6 months

Saturday 23rd March
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It's probably an age thing......but I have very fond memories of building Airfix kits with my Dad several decades ago.

Now with a sudden rush of nostalgia I was looking at taking it up again as a hobby with my son.

What's a good model to start with - that's relatively straightforward for us beginners but gives good results? I'm interested in ships (WW1 / WW2) or military planes from any era.

Also, viewing Youtube, there are so many model manufacturers now - no longer just Airfix and Revell is there a distinct difference in kit quality between certain manufacturers?

Lastly, painting, aging an artform in it's own right but there seems to be so much choice here what do I need to consider here if anything as a beginner.



Original Poster:

8 posts

6 months

Sunday 24th March
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Thanks very much everyone I can see the wood for the trees now!

A couple of additional questions.

Glue….I remember the stuff I used to use left strings and deposits everywhere and was in a tube it was the number 1 frustration. Assume the world has moved on? A lot of modellers seem to use Tamiya thin, is that the best option?

When painting should I put down a primer coat or is it ok to apply acrylic paint directly onto the model?

Any tips for effective masking - is tape the best or are there other options?


Original Poster:

8 posts

6 months

Sunday 24th March
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Any thoughts on this as a starter kit?

paintjob looks simple enough (famous last words), not too many obvious fiddly bits.

Always thought the Corsair looked a bit more interesting with that wing and colour scheme.