

Simpo Two

Original Poster:

86,113 posts

268 months

Saturday 2nd March
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I bought some white Milliput last week and decided to do a test before using it for real.

Cut off two little bits, kneaded and rolled them around in my fingers until I reckoned they were mixed, then pressed it onto some wood. That was about 18 hours ago and it's still not hard - I can make nail marks in it.

How long does it take to set, or is the batch duff or does it just need even more mixing?

Simpo Two

Original Poster:

86,113 posts

268 months

Saturday 2nd March
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No, but I can push a fingernail 1-2mm into it.

Simpo Two

Original Poster:

86,113 posts

268 months

Saturday 2nd March
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Mixed up another test about an hour ago. Can't mix it any more than that, so we'll see in the morning...!

Simpo Two

Original Poster:

86,113 posts

268 months

Sunday 3rd March
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Yep that worked. So you just have to mix it twice as much as you think you do.

Surprised it doesn't come with any instructions, just two tubes in a box and not much on the outside of the box.

Does Milliput have any competitors?

Simpo Two

Original Poster:

86,113 posts

268 months

Sunday 3rd March
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Ha, on the back of my box is a big white label with a barcode on it - and the instructions underneath!

I've set about the new lump with a disk sander and it takes a very good finish, so it bodes well.