Model shows!



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246 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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Not for vested interest promotion but just passing info to like-minded model enthusiasts who may have the odd Saturday or Sunday looking for a purpose....

I'll start: Next Sunday, 29th, de Havilland Aircraft Museum (double interest!) 10 till 4, j22 M25 St Albansish.
We, formerly known as Watford Scale Model Club, will be exhibiting. I'm looking forward to time at the museum. We'll be the ones conspicuous by the lack of planes in our display....


Original Poster:

1,645 posts

246 months

Sunday 29th May 2022
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Just back from the model show at the deHavilland museum. Reservations about it being a new event quickly faded; that was a good day out! Lots of clubs, lots of traders, lots of interesting exhibits in the museum and outside. Clubs were spread around planes on the ground floor and on the plush mezzanine above, there was a reasonable flow of public and a visit from a group of Vauxhall owners with some really lovely vintage tourers and saloons, AND presumably the last two surviving Cavalier convertibles!
I hope the venue would look on the event as a success and that it'll become annual.


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1,645 posts

246 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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So, hot on the heels of the DeHavilland Museum show, this Sunday, 12th, there's a chance to re-live all the modelling goodness/find out what you missed (delete as applicable if you did/did not get to last week's event).
I've not visited this one but the Elstree show draws positive reviews from those of our mob that have and is eagerly anticipated now it returns after the unavoidable absence of the last 2 years.


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246 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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Cancelled? Had a mis-judged tweet it made 15 years ago been uncovered by the trash media and pounced upon by the super-woke? That usually works.


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246 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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Yes! Go people! We're great aren't we....stocked up sunflower oil yet?


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246 months

Tuesday 6th September 2022
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Come and hide from Sunday's rain at a model show! second car let a big end go en route to Biggleswade....can't blame the town.
The Chiltern club are long established, will be a good show. See you there?


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246 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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Bump! The aforementioned Letchworth show is tomorrow, Saturday. Come and say hello to us Watford clubbers. None of whom live even near Watford.


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246 months

Saturday 22nd October 2022
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And you must be twice as pleased Mr Winner-Winner! Good day, thanks.

Parking direction was exemplary.


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246 months

Friday 6th January 2023
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And the cycle begins again: Traditional season opener at Old Warden Sunday 12th February. Can't find a flyer but here's a link:

Always a worthwhile show at the museum, small cold plastic things complementing big cold metal things. The Watford delegation will again present a beacon of shiney in a field of non-reflective.


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1,645 posts

246 months

Friday 10th February 2023
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Heads up for the Shuttleworth show this Sunday:
Ticket price includes access to the excellent museum and gardens although there's nowt to see in the latter this time of year!


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246 months

Tuesday 9th May 2023
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Last year's inaugural was a very enjoyable show in a great museum, heard this years will be bigger. This Sunday
Sorry for rubbish short notice!

Mildenhall show the following SATURDAY 20th.


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1,645 posts

246 months

Wednesday 11th October 2023
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Not the last show of the year but definitely the last we've been invited to for '23....Letchworth!
Jolly good hosts, lovely carpeted venue (posh!) with cafe, loads of clubs displaying, traders flogging. It's a Saturday week and us lot (Watford massive) can only recommend having enjoyed last year's:


Original Poster:

1,645 posts

246 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Letchworth tomorrow! Yes, a Saturday!


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246 months

Saturday 21st October 2023
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It's a date! How will I recognise you? Pink carnation or hi-viz?


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246 months

Monday 29th January
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Invitations to our 'club' are coming thick and fast, first up in a couple of weeks:
Shuttleworth Museum, Bedfordshire, Sunday 18th Feb. Great Museum, many real flyable exhibits, lots of oil catch trays underneath. Happy to return every year.

Then big jump to Mildenhall Saturday 18th May

And the following day a the DeHavilland Museum. NOTE LAST YEARS FLYER below for location info, this year's show is on Sunday May 19th. Really nice ambience in the museum, club tables below the wings of Wooden Wonders and up on the mezzanine. Cafe, 'plane walk-throughs, another delightful venue made even better by the addition of little models.


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246 months

Tuesday 30th January
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Honestly, no. Just our stand resplendant in metal flake and burnt rubber. Last year's was our club and my first time attending. Not a BIG show but all enthusiasts. My primary reason to schlep the distance up was to collect a very well priced ebay bumper locally for my work wagon!
I'd call it worth a drive out if the sun is shining but not a full expedition.


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1,645 posts

246 months

Saturday 17th February
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Public Service Announcement:

Shuttleworth model show is tomorrow, Sunday 18th.



Original Poster:

1,645 posts

246 months

Saturday 17th February
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Good question and I can certainly see the appeal of a wider static/driving flying swimming/railway layout show, but events tend to be organised by single clubs or associations and with little cross-over within those groups shows are either one or the other.

I do recall a great show at an RAF airfield (Chilterns?) that had a big pool for boats and subs, rc jet displays and static models....probably 30 odd years ago though!

I'll be interested if anyone knows of such an event running?


Original Poster:

1,645 posts

246 months

Thursday 16th May
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This Sunday, 19th May, the deHavilland museum hosts a splendid, well attended model show at the top of the M25:

A recent addition to the circuit but already a standout; displays around and under the museums most excellent planes in the hangar and up on the mezzanine. The home of deHavilland so plenty to interest...AND there's a model show!