Aerofly Pro Deluxe - RC Aircraft Simulator

Aerofly Pro Deluxe - RC Aircraft Simulator



Original Poster:

2,153 posts

201 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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I saw some youtube clips of this sim recently and then ordered it a couple of days later.

I highly recommend it, superb graphics, lots of aircraft including helicopters and jets, really great fun.

Anyone else tried it?

Here's a link to their site...


2,030 posts

281 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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It's what I'm using to learn how to fly before my aircraft has it's maiden crash.


17,153 posts

230 months

Monday 30th March 2009
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The manufacturer banned me from their forum after my review on it, they don't like being open.

It may have improved substantially since then (was some years back) but the flight physics was pretty useless in previous versions, they were too concerned about looks and not concerned enough about performance. There were substantially better (and cheaper) versions available.

Edited by Davi on Monday 30th March 11:42


Original Poster:

2,153 posts

201 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I've never flown an RC model before, so this seemed to be a cheap way to learn. I've been practising my landings and I've improved a lot.

I've now moved onto basic aerobatics and I'm trying to get the hang of torque rolls, which is harder than it looks.

Regarding the realism, they have had some input from award winning pilots so I'm confident it will be pretty good.


17,153 posts

230 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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SlipStream77 said:
I've never flown an RC model before, so this seemed to be a cheap way to learn. I've been practising my landings and I've improved a lot.

I've now moved onto basic aerobatics and I'm trying to get the hang of torque rolls, which is harder than it looks.

Regarding the realism, they have had some input from award winning pilots so I'm confident it will be pretty good.
Don't get me wrong, it's an invaluable tool and by no means poor, just don't think their physics engine is comparable to others on the market. Even the most basics of simulator will give the most important training - muscle memory.

When I tested it I managed to knock the wing off a 3D aircraft (on the spire on the top of the hill) yet still make it back for a fairly straight forward landing!


2,468 posts

231 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Davi said:
SlipStream77 said:
I've never flown an RC model before, so this seemed to be a cheap way to learn. I've been practising my landings and I've improved a lot.

I've now moved onto basic aerobatics and I'm trying to get the hang of torque rolls, which is harder than it looks.

Regarding the realism, they have had some input from award winning pilots so I'm confident it will be pretty good.
Don't get me wrong, it's an invaluable tool and by no means poor, just don't think their physics engine is comparable to others on the market. Even the most basics of simulator will give the most important training - muscle memory.

When I tested it I managed to knock the wing off a 3D aircraft (on the spire on the top of the hill) yet still make it back for a fairly straight forward landing!
You can do that in phoenix as well.

Which sim do you rate as the most realistic? (ive only tried phoenix and a few free ones)


17,153 posts

230 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Holst said:
You can do that in phoenix as well.

Which sim do you rate as the most realistic? (ive only tried phoenix and a few free ones)
I'm surprised, I've been hearing rave reviews about Pheonix.

I always preferred Reflex XTR - great physics and almost infinite adaptability of the models to get them accurate to your own, but haven't had much opportunity to play with many recently as all my transmitters ended up in storage while we're doing the house! A mate told me of one he reckons beats Reflex, I'll ask him what it was again when he's online.