11.1 vs 7.2


David A

Original Poster:

3,667 posts

262 months

Monday 20th August 2007
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Can someone explain to me quickly when you would use one or t'other. Is it number of servos, size of motor etc? Also with ESCs can you use a larger rated one with a lower power source?

Put simply just getting into this and don't want to buy redundant gear e.g. if a 30amp esc will work and an 1800ma 3cell 11.1v will also (size/weight permitting etc) then surely I'd be better getting these than a 20amp esc, 1200 2 cell 7.2v lipo etc etc

See where I'm going hope someone can advise simply smile




1,271 posts

224 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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Hi David,

I've just started out with Lipos and had the same question. Ultimately I'm after one of those very quick electric ducted fan jets when my flying's up to scrathc and talking to some chaps at my lcoal model shop, all the kits they showed me required 11.1v or more, so I've opted for these.

My personal choice was 11.1v. Not sure if there are advantage to 7.4 confused. For the same mah (current) battery you'll also get more power in the higher voltage one

I've just got some delivered from fleabay and they were surprisingly good prices. This guy delivered within 8 days:

My LMS wanted about £40 each for similar spec batteries

regarding speed controllers, I got a 30A one when my motor is rated about 10A and 16A peak and yes, it will work fine.

What sort of model are you putting together?

David A

Original Poster:

3,667 posts

262 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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Planning on an eflite cessna, than like yourself moving up to a ducted fan nutter wing type of thing.

The other thing thats just crossed my mind is that I've got an eflite 72mhz transmitter for my blade cp pro and was aiming to use this with another receiver - but they all seem to be 35mhz - can I just get a matching tx crystal or is it more complex than that.......



1,271 posts

224 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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I'm not certain, but pretty sure you can't just use another crystal.