Need help locating unusual model
I decided a few years ago that I would collect a model of every actual car I ever own/ed. I'm having extreme difficulty locating one particular model my first car a 1992 toyota starlet similar to the one below.
Does anyone know if a model of this was ever built and if so where I can get one?? Doesn't have to be new or anything any scale any colour, but preferably red.
I know its a long shot but said I'd ask anyway

Does anyone know if a model of this was ever built and if so where I can get one?? Doesn't have to be new or anything any scale any colour, but preferably red.
I know its a long shot but said I'd ask anyway

Pat, I know how you feel. It seems I always have the cars/years they don't make models of. Give this site a try. Stumbled across it while looking for a Mazda3 Hatch a while ago. Didn't find the 3, but WOW! What a selection they have. I recieved one of their Miata MX5's and a CX-7 as a prize in a "Zoom-zoom" live event, very nice consistent quality. Good luck.
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