What RC truck to buy?

What RC truck to buy?



Original Poster:

178 posts

239 months

Monday 18th June 2007
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Hi, I have built a couple of Tamiya cars over the last couple of years, a TL-01 911 GT3 and a Dark Impact, I am now looking for something a little different. The cars I have don't get a lot of use, mainly around the garden and drive. The most fun I have is the building rather than running them, but I do want whatever I buy to be strong and capable. I was thinking of a Clod, or something similar. The budget is about £200, which I guess limits me to the electric world rather than nitro. Has anyone got any other ideas?

Cheers for the help.



402 posts

219 months

Wednesday 20th June 2007
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If your pleasure is in building and finishing, and you can stretch your budget a little further, go for one of the Tamiya scale truck kits, not the off road stuff, the arctic cabs, superb detail with multi speed transmissions. And at a later date when funds allow, add a trailer, or light and sound modules.



181 posts

235 months

Friday 29th June 2007
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I've just finished building the new Tamiya F350.


Its bit more of a challenge to build than the typical electric r/c truck, and is in budget if you source from overseas via ebay. I built it with the hop-up option kit which gives engine vibration, working lights and engine noise, electronic speed controller etc - good fun!



299 posts

214 months

Monday 2nd July 2007
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If you can stretch your budget for a nitro, go for a Traxxas T Max, supremely reliable with electric start, 2 speed box and reverse.

Plenty of bodies to choose too.

Here is mine with a '70 El Camino body in purple, sorry it looks blueish in the photo.

Failing that you could go for a electric E Maxx



Original Poster:

178 posts

239 months

Monday 2nd July 2007
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Cheers for the help guys

I must admit the budget is creeping up, by the time I spend £200 on a Clod Buster (if I can find one) I keep thinking I should spend £300 on a Savage instead! Has anyone here built a Savage X SS?

I do love the look of the F350, I'm not sure I could go to the extra effort (and expense) of the multi function electronics though! I did find some photo's of one on the web and you couldn't tell it from a real F350! It would also be nice to compete with some of my work colleagues over the other side of the pond in Idaho who all have huge (real) pickups!

With the Traxxas is is possible to buy them in kit form? I know I could take it apart and rebuild it as soon as I get it if it is RTR, but that feels to me like it is missing the point.




6,012 posts

295 months

Sunday 8th July 2007
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Check out this video that a mate did of my F-350 high Lift with MFU-02 Multi Function Light and Sound Kit. The MFU really makes the truck but I can't ramp it in mud and water any more...!

(Edited to say : Right click and Save Target As)


Edited by Roop on Sunday 8th July 15:33


Original Poster:

178 posts

239 months

Monday 23rd July 2007
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Bought myself a Clod in the end - I wasn't sure, but my local model shop had one in stock when I popped in and, well, it would have been rude not to!

Will post pics when it is finished - should be soon at this rate - really enjoying the build smile


Original Poster:

178 posts

239 months

Friday 3rd August 2007
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Well its finished.

Its a pretty good kit, the only things I am dissapointed with are the steering - there are so many links between the servo and the wheels that the steering doesn't do anything when the truck is stationary. and I am also dissapointed with the suspension - the plastic shocks are just springs - useless.

The final thing I am unhappy with is my painting - it looks OK now it is full stickered up - but it isn't the best paint job I have acheived.

Anyway here are the pics...

And with the rest of my collection smile


9,949 posts

245 months

Monday 27th August 2007
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Looks nice Phil - get onto Tamiyaclub.com. There are loads of tips for improving the Clod. It's pretty poor stock but loads can be done and customised with ally everything etc.
Quick and easy way to sort the stock steering is to buy a high torque servo.


1,682 posts

219 months

Friday 31st August 2007
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I have a Savage and I would highly recommend it! It's huge fun, very well built and it will go anywhere. If you want tempting, have a look at one of my vids: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=44267168...

Since I got mine two of my mates decided they just had to get one - that proves how much fun they are!