Latest Project: Matchbox 1/32 Bf-109E-3

Latest Project: Matchbox 1/32 Bf-109E-3



2,996 posts

203 months

Thursday 5th January 2012
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dr_gn said:
That's absolutely incredible. It really makes me think about the He111 lying in a field near here (I started a thread on it a while ago in BPT). Someone must be related to the crew, all of whom survived.

Thanks for the info.

We need a PH Historical thread.


Original Poster:

16,264 posts

187 months

Saturday 7th January 2012
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Simpo Two said:
Stick 'Hans Georg Schulte' into Google and this is top:
And this bizarre story is third:

People certainly didn't seem to lead boring lives back then. He packed quite a bit into his first 28 years: 8 kills by the age of 22, shot down and survived twice, POW in Canada, then this.


Original Poster:

16,264 posts

187 months

Wednesday 20th March
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dr_gn said:
I guess this is it then: finished! It's not perfect - the 'heavy mottling' seems to have disappeared under the wethering and varnish, and the engine detail could be a bit crisper, but that's me being impatient and using too many layers of Klear/dark wash. Having said that, it's my best effort by some margin.

Thanks for watching folks - and thanks for the comments & advice throughout this thread!

Edited by dr_gn on Thursday 25th November 15:58
Seems like Airfix finally had the same idea hehe

…and without the need for any aftermarket ‘tail decals’…


4,966 posts

221 months

Thursday 21st March
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Holy thread resurrection Batman!

Mr. Potato Head

1,153 posts

222 months

Thursday 21st March
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tangerine_sedge said:
Holy thread resurrection Batman!
Yeah, but what a great thread to resurrect!


Original Poster:

16,264 posts

187 months

Thursday 21st March
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Mr. Potato Head said:
tangerine_sedge said:
Holy thread resurrection Batman!
Yeah, but what a great thread to resurrect!
Doesn’t seem like 14 years. I think it was the first model I tried aftermarket details and scratch-built stuff. I always look at it with some regret that despite all the work, the nice mottled paint I did got lost under some dodgy Matt varnish. It obviously wasn’t contrasty enough in the first place. I also wish I’d not bothered trying to add silver paint chips to it - very difficult to get right, and these didn’t quite work. Anyway, it’s still in my office to represent pretty much the beginning of my experiments with more advanced modelling. Big learning experience.

I might get the Airfix version and see if I can finally get that mottling right. When my late Dad saw the real thing on display during the war, he said he remembered it arriving in Sheffield on an RAF Queen Mary transporter. Might make a nice little addition to the Airfix set…