Yokomo YZ-2 CAL3.1 Build

Yokomo YZ-2 CAL3.1 Build



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Friday 15th December 2023
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Getting myself to Calidot tonight for a club race evening. Not sure what to expect (will probably involve racing rc cars on carpet though ) but quite looking forward to it.

In preparedness i’ve upgraded my transmitter (not necessary but really fancied this)

it’s a lovely thing to hold in the hand, it feels much more premium when compared to the GT5 and the large touch screen is pretty sweet. Unsure yet how it performs, will find out later!

Also out of necessity i’ve got one of these

I feel a little aggrieved having to spend the best part of £60 on the transponder, it’s not shiny and doesn’t make me go faster / look better! But essential of course.

Hioefully it being on top of the servo doesn’t cause any issues but no doubt it will and somehow ruin the evening hehe

I’ll update tomorrow most likely!


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186 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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Well it is technically tomorrow..

What great night. The evening was held at Caerwent Community Centre which was lovely and warm on arrival (that's importantteacher). I was quite surprised by the level of commitment from most in attendance; it looked like some guys were moving house the amount of boxes and bags they had with them, I'm sure they need all that stuff! smile

Me and the other boy who I went with were up first (of 6 rounds) which stayed as a theme for the evening which was easy to follow. The fiddling area had a big TV screen up with all the heats running so when it was heat 6 we knew we were up next in group 1. The qualifiers came round in just the right time, enough time to have a tinker or fettle but not a long wait so as to get bored. The qualifiers were fun as was marshalling in-between when it was our turn.

I didn't make too many changes to the YZ-2 as it was responding quite well to the carpet. A little too well to begin with as boy was their grip! It's a new carpet apparently and (unlike Midlands Raceway) has massive grip. I found with the NB4 transmitter that the steering was waaaay too much. Too much angle and too much speed. The car was almost uncontrollable so after the first heat I turned down the speed of the steering servo nd dialled back the EPA on the Flysky which made things much calmer and more controllable.

Enough waffle. My little pit area

and on the table after a heat before going off to Marshall

Some of the track and rostrum

I managed to get a little quicker though out the evening starting off in the 20s and finishing in the 15s/16s. I actually won my final smokin2 the F final hehe but hey a win is a win and to be fair im just going to have a little play so the win was a little bonus I guess. Watching the A Final flipping heck those boys are quick! Another few leagues above where I'll ever get to but fun to watch the fast boys go fast.

A lovely club with welcoming friendly chatty blokes and good racing, happy days.. Will be going again soon


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186 months

Saturday 16th December 2023
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nigelpugh7 said:
Great to see that you keep investing in your essential kit bud!

I love my Noble NB4, as you say for the cost it has an amazing premium feel of quality about it.

Quick question how come you are using it without the big battery base attached?

Surely it must feel a bit too heavy and unbalanced without that big weight on the bottom?

Each to their own of course, I was just curious as to why you wouldn’t use it and have it attached all the time?

It looks like you had a great evening out racing too, and to win a final is a great achievement.

I really must get back out to Midlands Raceway to get myself some laps down on my RC10!
Cheers bud! It really is an awesome bit of kit. I'm surprised it's been out for so long. No doubt they'll bring a new one out soon but this one is more than enough TX for me for now.

Good question re the battery base. I think it is just that and it comes down to personal preference. I haven't actually run a round with the base on but I quite like the minimalist feel if it without. I'll try it with it on next time maybe and I may prefer it.

We're thinking of going back up to Midlands soon, maybe the dates could coincide beer

paulstarrally said:
Looks like you had a cracking evening and coming away with a win in your final is a bit of a result on your 1st time out ??.

Silly question, but what’s the table and chair situation there? Bring your own or do they have some you can use?.

Also, what diff and shock oils you currently using. The kit oils or have you changed them. Just about to order some.
Yea was happy with that bud but didn't want the strive to win to spoil the evening overall, I just tried to get around without too many issues!

Good question again re the venue. Thankfully Caldicot provide tables chairs and power sockets which is a big help, having to take a table and chair to COBRA adds a level of cumbersome which isn't ideal.

Yea im running the kit oils in the diff and shocks. That conversation came up last night funnily enough and most people seem to be running much heavier viscosities in the diff, almost locked in some cases. I didn't find traction/turning an issue but without trialling different oils I won't know if they're an improvement. You might be telling me soon bud! biggrin


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Wednesday 20th December 2023
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Thanks Dom. I've got a party to go to on Friday night but seriously considering blowing it off and going racing again.

Had a little potch tonight, barely worth an update. Since racing I wanted to experiment with getting the weight forward to try and increase front bite and stop the thing wheelie'ing quite so much. I decided to do this by moving the adjustable battery tray forward. The caps for the ESC were in the way so a bit of jimmying was required to relocate stuff. There really isn't much room up the front of these so had to fiddle for a while to make sure everything would fit whilst still being able to connect to the battery with my (infuriatingly) short power cables. Still proper irks me that they were cut too short (at least the + wire)

Pulling it apart trying to figure out the best position

This is what I ended up with. The ESC is now slightly left of centre looking from the front which to my mind balances the car a little better from left to right and the battery is now about 1cm further forward.

Whilst faffing I noticed one of the ESC fan blades is broken at about 3 o'clock as seen here, not sure how that happened

Also a question; I found at Caldicot I was running out of mechanical speed about half way down the main straight. I'm currently at 24t pinion. What would you guys recommend? Down to 22t? I'd like a little more legs without gearing it up to 400mph and loosing a load of acceleration..

Quite an enjoyable hour fettling smile

edit: it’s up on the pinion for more speed isn’t it!

Edited by squareflops on Wednesday 20th December 19:12


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186 months

Tuesday 26th December 2023
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dom9 said:
Just catching up and was going to say biggrin

Couple more teeth and see how you go but it sounds like you're going really well so time for some more motor, maybe?
I've gone up to 27t for now and suck it and see a the next race meet at Caldi (5th Jan) all being equal. There's definitely a bit more expansion on the tyres. No idea if it will be correct for the next event though. Not sure about a new motor, will know in. few more events I guess!

need to de-lint the shocks too


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Wednesday 27th December 2023
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All very good points bud. Yea quite the jump but will see how it goes, if it's still acceleating at the end of the straight I've got the 26t to go down to. Yea heat is a consideration, thankfully my mate has a heat gun to temp the motor and I've got the Protek motor fan now if I need it for temps. I've bumped up the boost and turbo a little also so will see how she goes. Yea it's the standard 80t on the spur.

You might be right on the mesh, it sounds a little crispier than the 24t so think I'll need to move it in slightly.

Can be super frustrating but after the last evening I'm on a high with it! Looking forward to the next event on the 5th beer

I'll be doing a bit of shimming of the front hubs tonight I think as there's quite a bit of play in them now everything is bedded in; that's assuming I have some suitably sized shims left over from the build.


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Wednesday 27th December 2023
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as per roly recommendation I re-gapped the motor / pinion gear to the spur; it's much smoother and quieter now so thanks for that roly.

Unfortunately I only had one shim of the right size (3x6x0.5mm) left in the kit from the build but trialled it and it's spot on for taking up the lateral slack in the hub without causing any binding. Ordered a few off Amazon of the same size.

Can see quite a bit of daylight before fitting the washer! It was loose when it was brand new, I remember checking and re-checking the manual to ensure I hadn't missed another washer but that's how Yokomo want it apparently wobble

and with the washer fitted

Those shims will take out a huge amount of play in the front steering which will hopefully translate to a more positive front end. Whether that will make me any better at an event is yet to be seen! I'm in fear of making too many changes now as I've

moved the battery forward quite notably
given it more gearing
hop'ed up the motor boost / turbo
de-slackened the front end

Might be better, might be underivable again, we will see..


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186 months

Thursday 28th December 2023
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Cheers guys.

Even closer roly ok will try that, i’ve watched a few vids but the mesh is a little detail i’m still finding my feet with.

Outside is something i haven’t really considered, the main issue is distance, i’m in South Wales so these venues are all quite a distance away. Having a 3 year
old and an oft exasperated OH doesn’t help me swanning off for the day!


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Friday 29th December 2023
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Will use that as a guide bud cheers.

Well even more potching this evening; I can't believe I keep finding things to do!

Shimmed the hubs up

The front end has much less free play in it now, good stuff.

I also got round to fitting my Protek motor fan; as we've referenced motor temps are likely to be a little higher on the next outing. I found the shell fouled slightly so reamed it out and finished off with my air grinder to give the fan some room as I did with the slipper on the other side

This is where things get a bit st. It seems with the fan plugged into channel 4/5/6 of the receiver the ESC glitches when I try and turn it off about 70% of the time. With the fan plugged in the ESC will turn off but then pulse on/off at a frequency of id say about 0.5 second intervals like it can't actually turn itself off. When I pull the fan connection out of the receiver the ESC is finally allowed to die. Any ideas anyone?? That's something id rather not have to live with.


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186 months

Saturday 30th December 2023
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Good ideas both. The ESC has a fan port but it's a mini JST? where the Protek fan is standard JST so I can't plug the Protek into the ESC

I've decided to throw money at the problem (not that I have any after fitting new windows / doors & boiler in the house) and have bought a Surpass fan off eBay, only £10 ish and that should eliminate the fan being the issue. Will take it for there but I'd like tap off the ESC directly, can't see an easy way of doing it thought as I'd need a splitter with female mini JST to male JST & male mini JST split. Don't think they make those! What a faff for such a basic item..


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186 months

Saturday 30th December 2023
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update - I've binned it off hehe

About 30 seconds after I'd ordered the other fan I thought about popping down to Western Valley to (initially) see I they had a fix. Quick call and they were open so down I went. Fortuitously 3 guys all from COBRA / Caldicot were there and we all had a good chat about the issue. Turns out

It's probably the receiver that's the issue..
I shouldn't need a motor fan unless the cars over geared..
I should get rid of the fan and keep and eye that the 27t pinion gear isn't 'too much'..

So that's that, I'll chuck the fan in a draw somewhere and forget about it.

Whilst I was down there I took advantage of Hedleys soldering skills once again and sorted the + wire once and for all. He extended it by about 2 inches and removed the bullet connector; all soldered up nicely so no more short wire issues

So much better! love


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Saturday 30th December 2023
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What a palaver wobble



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Sunday 10th March
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Feels like forever since I update this. mainly because I haven't done anything with the Yokomo in .. forever. A mixture of the OH working most Friday evenings and other commitments means I haven't had a chance to get out. Thankfully a window opened up on Friday night and managed to go racing again at Caldicot.

A great turn out and another evening of really enjoyable racing. Got there around 17:45 and gave a hand setting up the track. The track design was changed early on in the evening as it was a little fiddly in sections; this was a positive improvement as the track got much more flowing and fun.

So got set up next to my mate James, I don't have many pics, just of the pits really.

I started off in the group 7 (G) and had 4 rounds of qualifying and a final. It took a while to get back into the swing of things but soon started getting some consistent laps in around the 15/16 sec mark and dipped into the 14's once or twice which was nice. The change in pinion did liven the buggy up a little and saw more top end with no perceptible loss of torque low down. Moving the battery forward I think improved front end grip, it certainly didn't make anything worse.

During talking in the pits one of the racers next to me informed me that my rear tyres were shot (they looked brand new to me still wobble) so he very kindly leant me a set of rears that he deemed too far gone but that still had more life in them than mine. Despite looking identical to my eyes the difference was noticeable straight away, much more grip in the corners and traction everywhere, I'll be doing the acetone thing / new tyres F+R before the next event.

Between racing and marshalling (which is always more stressful that racing!)

In the final I jumped a few groups and ended up starting 5th in group 5 (E). I completely butchered the start which jangled me a little, I was way down the field and tried to get around as cleanly as possible after the bad start. I managed to make up one place finishing 4th which I'm more than happy with.

Overall a really good night again, plenty of friendly people, only a few furious MARSHALL!! expletives shouted in my direction and of course great racing. Will look forward to the next one and hopefully will have one of the boys on here with his Yokomo joining smile


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186 months

Monday 25th March
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Decided to replace the tyres on the Yokomo ahead of Friday. Friday is a bit of a different day down Caldicot, they're running a practice session from 2-6pm then the normal race event in the evening so thought I'd make an afternoon/evening of it. As the tyres are shot and with short notice I thought I better find the best method to expedite the removal of the tyres from the wheels. I didn't fancy spending around £40 on acetone and the box so thought I'd go the free and instant (15 mins) method of baking the tyres off.

160° for the aforementioned 15 mins and the tyres peeled right off. No damage to the wheels or foams so jobs a good 'un.

have arranged to collect some new tyres (not sure whether to try the low profile fusion fronts as yet) on the day at Caldi so will get those mounted and run them in during the afternoon before the racing starts. Looking forward to have the other PH'er down there with his Yokomo for the evening



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186 months

Saturday 30th March
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Well maybe I should be too but I'll come back to that in a sec.

Good day yesterday, decided to to do the afternoon and the evening rounds. The afternoon practice was good and gave a relaxed format of 7 min rounds to practice/play/tweak. As I was there by myself for the afternoon I was slightly billy-no-mates and wasn't doing a huge test and tune session so probably could have got away with just doing the evening race event.

I go there, set up my little corner

and set to glueing up the tyres I bought from one of the boys there. Did the rears fine; the font NS got a little fiddly when I realised I'd glued the tyre with somehow half the bead showing proud of the rim (not seated properly) panic ensued and I managed to pry the rubber off the plastic and re-seat it properly. So out for .. 7 I think rounds of practice.

I was not feeling it. The car felt vague, inconsistent and slow. Thought it might be me and the fair mount of Glenlivet 12 I'd consumed the night before but I just wasn't gelling with the car or the track. After round 5 I was back in the pits checking over the car and realised Id forgotten to glue the front OS tyre to the wheel wobbleThat'll explain it! Got it glued and the car was understandably much better.

I don't seem to have taken any pictures really, this being the last one for afternoon practice

So onto the evening session and Paul (has a thread running on here with another Yokomo 3.1) attended and was great to have racing partner and someone to have a chat to between rounds. His Yokomo was lovely and he was fast out the gates, will look forward to reading his rundown of the night on his thread!

Was a good evening, same mix of semi-clean driving and total chaos / mistakes costing lots of time. I ended up last (7th) in the D final and finished 4th after a short stint in 2nd / 3rd. Another really enjoyable evening made much better by Pauls attendance, look forward to the next race event.


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186 months

Saturday 25th May
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Quick update, still racing at Caldicot.. Good night for paulstarrally and I. Good to see Paul and have a good natter between races and comparing notes on how badly we were doing after each round biglaugh

Ive recently replaced the oils in the shocks and the diff (manual standard shock oil and 6000wt instead of 5000wt in the diff) and new tyres put on (fusion fronts) and the car hit it's sweet spot from about round 3 onwards, ultimate grip and was performing well, better than the pilot. Ended up in the 2wd C final and had no place being there; started 7th an finished 7th.

paul was good enough to a) bring haribo and b) gift me the ali front upper arm mount which was very gratefully received. It’ll be fitted along with a new standard brace up front as I noticed this was cracked this evening.

Great night and good racing; both cars did very well and hope we’re both looking forward too the next one

Edited by squareflops on Saturday 25th May 11:14