Yokomo YZ-2 CAL3.1 Build

Yokomo YZ-2 CAL3.1 Build



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1,822 posts

186 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Cheers guys appreciate the feedback!

dom - getting another kit is a worryingly good idea boxedin that actually makes so much sense as I do think I'll be sticking with this chassis for a while and that's by far the cheapest way to have a parts bin. When you start sorting your cars drop a few pics will be awesome to see them!

Thanks roly. Yea I'm much more comfortable now sitting amongst other racers and had a proof of concept that I'm not absolutely horrendous at this. Might have to go down the borrow route for now, Dom stop suggesting things that will cost me money! hehe

paul - I wasn't sure if the pink was going to be too much but on track I think it looks awesome. It stood out from any other car there yesterday which is ideal, good to know which one I'm supposed to be looking at! Yea bud 100% will be great to get out with another CAL3.1 and try and figure out how you're so much faster than me.

I"ll be up for another trip up there whenever you're ready clap how you getting on with research on car etc


8,126 posts

212 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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We've said this on various threads over the years but we really do need a PH meet to run some cars. It's a bit of a drive from here (Surrey) to the Midlands but if we could rent a track for the day... I'd make the effort! Being a dog owner, I'm not afraid of the rain but somewhere indoor just guarantees an 'easier' day.

Sadly, this is not a massively cheap hobby but I do think it's rewarding when you're into your cars. It's cheaper than racing the real thing, by an order of magnitude or two! So get those titanium turnbuckles... even from the UK: https://semcs.co.uk/product/titanium-turnbuckle-se... albeit I do think a second kit is a good idea.

I have 3xSchumacher KFs (and boxes of spares)... 2xTeam C TM2s... 2xVBC Firebolts... which means I can have a shelfer/spare car and a runner. My KF2 and LD also share lots of common parts with the KFs.

Love the pink, always fancied a white/blue/pink scheme, a bit like the factory Tamiyas!


58 posts

151 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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squareflops said:
how you getting on with research on car etc
Well I think I’m settled on the YZ2 Cal 3.1. Especially after popping down to Cobra last week. My biggest concern was the potential lack of other people running them, but there seemed to be a good number using them. I’m guessing with the current price, this is only likely to grow.

Just waiting for some cash work to pay up (hopefully this week) and I’ll be messaging Lee to place an order.

A radio is the next big purchase. Looking around at cobra last week. It was 100% sanwa or futaba from what I could see. Originally I’d planned on a budget radio to start but seems it may be ‘buy cheap, buy twice’ so just re-thinking this.

Edited by paulstarrally on Sunday 12th November 15:16


Original Poster:

1,822 posts

186 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Sounds good Dom! Looks like we might have an estate cart full of potential racers anyway hehe I'd be game for a PH race event for sure.

Those SEMCS titanium rods are out of stock too, out of stock everywhere it seems! There's a set in America on eBay and all in it's only about £20 to get them here but I'd rather not have to buy from the other side of the world ideally.

Good few cars there bud! I'm not even sure what half of them are ha.

Paul - can't go wrong with Yokomo I think. Yea I noticed that and also at Midlands yesterday, mostly Santa and some Futaba. I run my Fleshy GT5 and am more than happy with it. I'm wanting to go Fleshy Noble NB4 next, just because it looks like a nicer transmitter but tbh it's probably overkill. Id be happy to recommend the Fleshy GT5 but as will all things is a highly personal choice and for me comes down to what I like the look as. They'll all work fine if you're spending £50+ id imagine!


8,126 posts

212 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Nothing wrong with FlySky IMHO, I have a GT5 (I think) unopened in the garage somewhere... lovely, small, cheap receivers too!

I do like a Futaba 3PV or similar though, on a budget: https://wheelspinmodels.co.uk/i/263835/?gclid=Cj0K...

And when you have as many cars as me, you need the model memory!!


58 posts

151 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Yes, prior to going down to cobra I had checked out the flysky units and thought that’s the way I’d go. Good to know that’s still a feasible option.

Back when I was racing they were fairly simple units so all this 2.4ghz stuff goes over my head. Reading up on it slowly.

The 3PV unit is the one I’ve been checking out and not massively expensive. That’s probably the route I’ll go so long as I’ve not gone crazy with the budget in other areas.


Original Poster:

1,822 posts

186 months

Sunday 12th November 2023
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Had a little post practice check over the buggy tonight

I made a single change that was recommended by the same guy that mentioned the differing shock position. He said that having both spacers below the hub on the front steering causes numbness so I moved the 1mm spacer from below to above. Will see how that effects things next time

He also stated changing the front lower spring perches to a shallower perch would give less droop (I think I've got that right?) and also sharpen things up. I'll take some smaller perches with me next event. Also cleared out a load of fluff from around the rear driveshafts and quite a bit from the slipper

Also, I'm going to need a new rear wing soon I think!


6,096 posts

193 months

Monday 13th November 2023
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squareflops said:
and you weren't wrong! I hit it and cleared it plenty of times, it just wasn't always in the right place when the buggy touched down again! I found it really hard to judge the car being straight as the jump is directly adjacent to the rostrum and depth perception was difficult. I elected to roll it for most of the time as it was just a case of saving the car from multiple barrel rolls which would eventually break something. I came off after the first pack ran down and tempted the motor

Sorry there's not more action pictures or videos but that's how the day went, I was too busy having fun! Can't wait to do it again..
Really great write up as the others have already said, always nice to hear how well a days racing trip went.

I really must get over to Midlands Raceway more as it’s only about 30 minutes from our place.

It’s shame they don’t open on Thursdays as I’m working over in Halesowen this Thursday and it’s just down the road so I could have easily dropped in.


6,096 posts

193 months

Monday 13th November 2023
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paulstarrally said:
Yes, prior to going down to cobra I had checked out the flysky units and thought that’s the way I’d go. Good to know that’s still a feasible option.

Back when I was racing they were fairly simple units so all this 2.4ghz stuff goes over my head. Reading up on it slowly.

The 3PV unit is the one I’ve been checking out and not massively expensive. That’s probably the route I’ll go so long as I’ve not gone crazy with the budget in other areas.
As Dom says the Flysky noble is a great radio, I love mine, and yes the receivers are cheap and tiny, I think I picked up a pack of four of them for about $40 on Banggood, so have enough for spares or new cars.

I did still have a host of Spektrum receivers too that I need to put to good use, the two that came with that expensive piece of junk DX6 I have, which worked for only about three outings and then bricked itself, really worst Spektrum radio I have ever purchased and I have a few !


Original Poster:

1,822 posts

186 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Well I didn't do much of a check, noticed this just having a look over it, the whole back end was loose!

The d-block bolts were lock tightened in, will need to keep an eye on these. In other news I have 3 pairs of 48mm time rods on the way from a helpful chap via COBRA and a new rod ends tree on the way from MB. Should be up and running by the weekend; not that there's anywhere within 100 miles to take it frown

I've been thinking how nice it would be to have a permanent indoor EOS carpet venue here in South Wales. Maybe I should look into starting a business! It does raise an interesting point though. With Midlands Raceway I was surprised at the lack of 'support' infrastructure up there (this is in no way a dig at the place, it was great) but I almost expected to see a shop there selling all the usual parts that a racer may need during the day. Also a cafe where you can get some decent scran and a coffee. I understand the limitations etc to all of these things but I'd love a one stop venue that catered for all of these complimentary services.

In my head (smash) something like this would be quite a hub for racers and maybe even a viable business. There's lots of guys that attend COBRA week in week out who surely would like somewhere local to test 'n' tune and the potential for bringing new people into the hobby is surely there.


58 posts

151 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Glad you managed to find some turnbuckles. Great to see the guys at COBRA helping each other out.

So, I popped Lee a message at L&L models today and the Yokomo YZ2 Cal 3.1 is out of stock. Even worse, they’ve stopped production so no more stock will be coming frown. Even popped MB models a message and had the same response. So looks like it might not be a YZ2 for me after all unless I go 2nd hand. Gutted I didn’t take the jump a few weeks back.


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1,822 posts

186 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Yea super handy to be fair smile

Aww dude that's gutting, I looked on MB today and the 3.1 has gone from the listing, RIP frown It looks like the SO 1.0 has gone too, only leaving the SO 2.0 at £380. Couple that with all the electronics needed and that's a fair price tag although I'm sure Lee would sort out a deal for you as he did with me.

Other option to stay Yokomo is the RO 1.0 RTR. I'd like one of these myself but it's a fact that it's a few steps down in terms of outright parts quality compared to the 3.1 / SO.

Schumacher LD3 it is then bud! smile Or try and find a lightly used LD2 as there's a million for sale at the moment, sure someone at COBRA will have a nice example.

Keep us updated on what you decide to do beer


8,126 posts

212 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Nice spec LD2 on Oople I noticed earlier!


If you want to go brand new, and enjoy the build, this is a lot of buggy for the money!


Sadly not hugely popular though, so may have to find your own way on setup, to some extent.

Edited by dom9 on Tuesday 14th November 21:48


58 posts

151 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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Thanks Dom. That PR1v3 buggy looks great for the price.

However, there’s been a purchase my end. Updates to follow.

Anyway back to the original thread. Now you’ve got turnbuckles, when you planning to be out next?


Original Poster:

1,822 posts

186 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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That PR Racing buggy does look good, be a great little build, I've saved the page.

Good news Paul, love the tease! hehe Get a thread up asap wink

Well that's the million dollar question isn't it, or more so where will I be out next, there's no where to bloody go! Probably COBRA for the next round in all likelihood, will you be racing too? smokin2

Well had a little false start yesterday with replacing my track rod ends, everything arrived

Just before I opened the rod ends packet I thought to compare the new and old and noticed quite a difference in size, turns out I'd ordered #Z2-206DMA when in fact I should have ordered the correct items numbered #Z2-206DM2A rolleyes silly boy.. So a quick re-order to MB and fair play they turned up today

And all back together

Also arriving today was something I'd forgot I ordered, a 2s Lipo for my transmitter. 4 AA's didn't ever seem to last too long in it and I always had slight range anxiety watching the volts drop relatively quickly so go this and will never have to worry about batteries again it

I really want a Noble NB4 but the line has to be drawn somewhere. Just wish I had a race to look forward to now!


8,126 posts

212 months

Thursday 16th November 2023
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Is it a sort of fish eye lens distortion or do you have a fair bit of toe out at the front and positive camber all round?

I do like the PR Racing buggies and the non-Sport 'higher level' buggies also seem very good value.

Honestly though; everything seems to depreciate like a stone, so unless it is a re-release... I'm tight and go pre-owned biggrin

You always end up stripping them down and rebuilding anyway, so get all that fun... and probably end up spending even more replacing/upgrading wink


Original Poster:

1,822 posts

186 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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It does look like it bud but it was built to manual specs, bit of toe out and around 2° neg camber. I am looking at the SkyRC setup tool for Christmas though



58 posts

151 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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squareflops said:
It does look like it bud but it was built to manual specs, bit of toe out and around 2° neg camber. I am looking at the SkyRC setup tool for Christmas though

Yes, 100% think you should buy this. I'll rent an hours ramp time off you haha!


Original Poster:

1,822 posts

186 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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I'm itching to know what vehicle you'll be booking in


58 posts

151 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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I’m collecting it on Sunday. So I’ll pop a new thread up and drop a link here.