Pics of your models, please!

Pics of your models, please!



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16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Bungleaio said:
You should be ok leaving the battery on trickle charge over night, in theory you should be able to leave it on trickle charge indefinately but I don't recomend it.

When I was racing seriously (about 10 years ago) I was paying around £50 for a 1700 pack over batteries I can't believe how much the technology and capacity has improved. There is an art to charging batteries with an amazing aray of chargers and dischargers available.

Basically if you fast charge before you want to use the car and make sure the battery is run down before you put it away for the day you won't go to far wrong

Ive got the rear suspension finished now, and have been taking pics of the build. It was loads of fun filling the damper chambers with oil, fitting the loose pistons and springs, no wonder you lot have more than one model!


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16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Manual says "Caution! Always turn on transmitter first, then receiver. Always turn off receiver then transmitter"

How important is this - I shouldnt imagine you can do any damage if you forget?


6,346 posts

205 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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UKbob said:
It was loads of fun filling the damper chambers with oil, fitting the loose pistons and springs, no wonder you lot have more than one model!
It gets addictive and expensive mate be carefull! You wait till you start seeing all sorts of shiney bits that are avilable.

It is important to switch the transmitter on 1st. If the car is switched on it can pick up a stray signal and drive off, most of the time this won't happen and the car won't do anything.


Original Poster:

16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Bungleaio said:
It is important to switch the transmitter on 1st. If the car is switched on it can pick up a stray signal and drive off, most of the time this won't happen and the car won't do anything.
Gotcha smile

Man, I must be the slowest model builder... ever. I dont think its going to be finished today frown


Original Poster:

16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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This has become a bit of a hornet thread rather than a pic thread. Apologies, I have another question.

Being brilliant with electronics, im not entirely sure which way to wire the Green and yellow, orange and blue motor cables.

Orange and blue are on the ESC, I think the orange one is positive, but what about the green and yellow connections on the motor, which way do they go? And do you kill something (the motor or esc?) if you put them on the wrong way around?


6,346 posts

205 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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As long as you connect your battery correctly there shouldn't be any problem with the motor, I should imagine your esc has a standard tamiya battery connector on it so there shouldn't be a problem with that. If the motor is connected the wrong way around there shouldn't be any problems apart from the motor will run backwards.

It should say in your esc manual which wire is +ve but my guess would be to connect

Green - Blue
Yellow - Orange


Original Poster:

16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Bungleaio said:
As long as you connect your battery correctly there shouldn't be any problem with the motor, I should imagine your esc has a standard tamiya battery connector on it so there shouldn't be a problem with that. If the motor is connected the wrong way around there shouldn't be any problems apart from the motor will run backwards.

It should say in your esc manual which wire is +ve but my guess would be to connect

Green - Blue
Yellow - Orange

It works smile

Close to finishing, but I cant get the sodding rear tyres on. "Cant" as in its beyond me. And its doing my nut rage


3,763 posts

270 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Here is my r/c collection..

From top to down...
HPI savage SS with some X parts (4WD sometimes RWD)
Team Asscoicated TC3 Electric tourer (4wd)
Tamiya Dark Impact (4wd)
Tamiya M-03 mini (FWD)

all of them isnt standard, modifed in some way or other.


Original Poster:

16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Thats a pretty cool collection. Quite like the look of dark impact! Enjoyed building my first model so much, definitely going to get another one smile Wouldnt mind a track car like your tc3.

Ive finished my car (except the shell) but I cant drive it today as I cant get the rear tyres on. My hands are cut, bleeding, swolen and shaking to the point that I cant grip things with my fingers, Ive got the tremmors from using every ounce of strength in my arms for so long... ive tried my own techniques, quite a few of them, the technique suggested in the book, everything! frown I know the tyres are hornet tyres, I just cant get them on, been trying for over 90 mins cry Its beyond me. paperbag

Edited by UKbob on Sunday 22 July 21:16


Original Poster:

16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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These mother ing cock sucking piece of shit tyres are ing me off. Ive been trying for something like two bloody hours!! I dare not suggest that these ing wheels are the bloody wrong ones, because every ing thing I got stumped on during the build process, I thought out, before proceeding, and each time I solved the ing problem by thinking it out, finding my mistake.

But I definitely HAVENT made any ing mistake with these ing tyres though, as I KNOW they are the ing right ones, and i AM using the right pieces. But The ing things just wont go on!!! mad rage
furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious

ArghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious mad rage furious

Can you order pre-built wheels with tyres on em? smile


6,346 posts

205 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Sorry to hear you are having trouble with the tyres, I'm not really sure what to suggest to get them on other than possibly putting them into some fairly warm (but not boiling) water which may help soften them up a bit.

Get some pics up mate!


5,072 posts

209 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Are they split rim wheels? if they are you may need to build the tyres into the wheel as you assemble them?


Original Poster:

16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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The thing is, Im not a bloody 5 year old. Ive never not been able to do anything in my life before. I just cant get these tyres on cry rage furious The finger on my right hand is so swolen, it looks (and feels) like you could pop it with a pin, and splatter an entire room with the contents. Its... rather like its infected, Ive been pulling so hard. My biceps are also knackered.

I encountered half a dozen "totally stumped!" problems during the build, and solved every one of them by going over the instructions again and again. I could build the hornet in 1/3rd the time, second time round, I just cant solve this particular problem. I refuse to blame the kit, Im sure there is a way, I just cant ing do it rage

I suppose Im ten-times more pissed off than Id usually be over something small like this, its just that I wont have any time to drive it during the week, and cant see a way out, even if I did know how to get them on. I dont have the tools either, to invent/build my own tyre inserting shoe-horn type widget irked


Original Poster:

16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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roadrunner440 said:
Are they split rim wheels? if they are you may need to build the tyres into the wheel as you assemble them?
Yes they are split, its the middle bit which wont go it, it would be impossible with the other split sides attached...


Original Poster:

16,277 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Woohoooo, god knows how many hours later, Ive got one! biggrin

Its going to be interesting next time, buying knew rims and also tyres to see what is what, but the instructions the manual gave in addition to my own varied efforts didnt even come CLOSE to getting the tyres on! And I used a great deal of force.

I turned half the rubber tyre inside out, stuck 4 fingers inside, two with each hand, and pulled for all I was worth - using my teeth I pushed the center rim inside sideways. It went in, and there is plenty of room inside hornet rear tyres so turning it around was no problem. Thank feck for that!

Blooooooooody hell! Thats one. Took all evening. Gonna try the same method on the other. And hopefully drive it tonight woohoo


290 posts

243 months

Sunday 22nd July 2007
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Always like the opportunity to show off my slot cars

Edited by S500 on Sunday 22 July 22:59


3,092 posts

254 months

Monday 23rd July 2007
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Previous scratchbuild 1:22 L1649A Starliner:

Current scratchbuild project 1:12 TSR2:


Original Poster:

16,277 posts

268 months

Monday 23rd July 2007
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Nice models Le TVR, they are making me want to go out and buy a plane smile How many hours is it going to take you to get the TSR2 airbourne?

Does anyone have any large/closeup pics of paint jobs and decal work?

edited because I found the answers to my questions smile

Edited by UKbob on Monday 23 July 11:12


6,346 posts

205 months

Monday 23rd July 2007
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UKbob said:
Nice models Le TVR, they are making me want to go out and buy a plane smile
I told you it was addictive!

I agree whole heartedly, they are amazing models, even if they were static they would be good but to think they will be fully working and can actually fly is extraordinary. I wish I had the skill to be able to make something like that myself.


6,346 posts

205 months

Monday 23rd July 2007
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UKbob said:
Woohoooo, god knows how many hours later, Ive got one! biggrin

Its going to be interesting next time, buying knew rims and also tyres to see what is what, but the instructions the manual gave in addition to my own varied efforts didnt even come CLOSE to getting the tyres on! And I used a great deal of force.

I turned half the rubber tyre inside out, stuck 4 fingers inside, two with each hand, and pulled for all I was worth - using my teeth I pushed the center rim inside sideways. It went in, and there is plenty of room inside hornet rear tyres so turning it around was no problem. Thank feck for that!

Blooooooooody hell! Thats one. Took all evening. Gonna try the same method on the other. And hopefully drive it tonight woohoo
Well done mate, they sound very stubborn good luck getting the other one on.

I should have thought yesterday but there's a huge amout of info on