The thread where we can talk about painting figures

The thread where we can talk about painting figures



Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Monday 4th March 2019
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You’re welcome. Although it’s not over quite yet.
I’ve never really tried a diorama.....


590 posts

161 months

Monday 4th March 2019
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Your great skills in painting figures is where i fall down on.I dont think i have your patience for this level of painting and shading.Quite artistic id say. Really enjoying this thread.


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Monday 4th March 2019
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henryk001 said:
Your great skills in painting figures is where i fall down on.I dont think i have your patience for this level of painting and shading.Quite artistic id say. Really enjoying this thread.
Thanks for the kind words, but anyone that can build the wire wheels on that GTO can paint figures as well as me.
Your Ferrari is stunning an is a real inspiration.

Anyway my problem is I look at the photos and think “I’m not quite happy with x,y or z” so I do a bit of tinkering.


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Saturday 30th March 2019
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Now the figures are finished on my Land Rover diorama project I am waiting for deliveries. So I thought I’d dig out something I have had on the back burner for a little while.
I have seen a lot of 1/10 busts at shows and on forums, so thought I’d have a crack one. I bought an RAF pilot from AliExpress for a tenner, so if it all went wrong I haven’t lost a fortune.
I have had the kit around a month and have finally made a start.

The kit has multiple resin parts and the moulding looks really good.

It could be nice looking if I get it right. I will document the successes and failures here.
The first task was to get the basic colours on. I used acrylics applied with an airbrush. I’ll let it dry overnight then tidy up the edges and clear coat it tomorrow.


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Sunday 31st March 2019
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A little more work on the basic colours this morning


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Sunday 31st March 2019
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Almost ready for the clear coat..


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Sunday 31st March 2019
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Once the flat coat drys it will be time for oils.


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Sunday 31st March 2019
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In case anyone was wondering the back is just as nicely detailed too.


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Sunday 31st March 2019
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Tonight I started on the oil paints.. it looks a bit “glossy” at the moment, but that will be fine after a matte coat. I’m not 100% happy with it, but as a first attempt it’s not too bad.


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Monday 1st April 2019
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More progress this lunchtime


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Monday 1st April 2019
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Oh well back to work..


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Monday 1st April 2019
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I did a little more after work this evening.
This is actually a lot harder than it looks. It looks great in real life, but shoddy under the magnifying camera lens.


10,381 posts

250 months

Monday 1st April 2019
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robemcdonald said:
I did a little more after work this evening.
This is actually a lot harder than it looks. It looks great in real life, but shoddy under the magnifying camera lens.
Just what I say with every dick pic I send. biggrin

Top painting there. Think building is the easy bit, it's the paint and the time and effort you're willing to spend that make or break the whole thing.


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Monday 1st April 2019
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It's taking a lot more patience then I'm used too. Simple washes just wont work at this scale. I hope to get the head finished to night and then I can get on with painting the body.


638 posts

190 months

Monday 1st April 2019
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Centurion07 said:
robemcdonald said:
I did a little more after work this evening.
This is actually a lot harder than it looks. It looks great in real life, but shoddy under the magnifying camera lens.
Just what I say with every dick pic I send. biggrin
Have you tried a macro lens?

Head looks great, Rob!


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Monday 1st April 2019
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I didn’t quite meet my goal for today, but tomorrow should see me moving on to the body.
It’s really a completely different thing to regular model making. I’m quite enjoying the challenge, but don’t think this will be a new hobby. That said the models are
A. Cheaper
B. Take longer
C. Are a much more manageable size than aircraft.
Anyway this is the current state of play.

I’m trying to take the shot at the same angle each time to make tracking progress easier.


57 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2019
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Looks fantastic rob.

Maybe take a photo with a coin or something so we can gauge the size? I’m struggling with the 1/10 tbh hehe

Time Fly

39 posts

64 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2019
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Rob, which oil paint hues did you use on the flesh? I ask as I think you could do with a bit more contrast- ie, rosier/darker in the cheek hollows, under the brow, nose chin etc.

Another thing I do on (male) busts is to very lightly brush raw umber over the areas that hair grows (beard) on the lower face. This gives a five o'clock shadow effect.

And sorry, I'm sounding picky now but by using a brown or blue tone (within a fine black ring) the pilot's pupils would be less pop-eyed and intense and maybe add a white highlight like this to show reflected 'wetness'.

This is not criticism in any way but merely suggestions. I have very much enjoyed reading your posts and it would be fantastic to see another great miniaturist explore and produce wonderful larger human figures. Much looking forward to it.


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2019
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Wow. That is great work..

What I love about this hobby is it keeps you honest. When you think you are doing well someone shows you something that absolutely blows you away.

I’m just kind of making it up as I go. I don’t think ill ever be able to produce the level of fidelity you have shown above.
I may be able to implement some of your suggestions, but I’m not sure that I’m brave enough to tinker with the face anymore. I don’t want to risk ruining what I’ve done.
That said I appreciate your advice and may decide to take a brave pill. If I could get something half as good as yours I’d be very happy.

As mentioned this is a bit of a side project for me, just to see how I get on.


Original Poster:

8,937 posts

199 months

Tuesday 2nd April 2019
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El stovey said:
Looks fantastic rob.

Maybe take a photo with a coin or something so we can gauge the size? I’m struggling with the 1/10 tbh hehe

Bigger or smaller than you thought?

Edited by robemcdonald on Tuesday 2nd April 08:34