Model shows!



Original Poster:

1,644 posts

246 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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Not for vested interest promotion but just passing info to like-minded model enthusiasts who may have the odd Saturday or Sunday looking for a purpose....

I'll start: Next Sunday, 29th, de Havilland Aircraft Museum (double interest!) 10 till 4, j22 M25 St Albansish.
We, formerly known as Watford Scale Model Club, will be exhibiting. I'm looking forward to time at the museum. We'll be the ones conspicuous by the lack of planes in our display....

Eric Mc

122,382 posts

268 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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Great museum so should make for a good show. I'd be going if it wasn't for the fact that I'm already doing something else that day.


8,935 posts

199 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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I’m being pressured to attend with the letchworth posse despite my total lack of recent model making.

Still anything to get me out of the house…


Original Poster:

1,644 posts

246 months

Sunday 29th May 2022
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Just back from the model show at the deHavilland museum. Reservations about it being a new event quickly faded; that was a good day out! Lots of clubs, lots of traders, lots of interesting exhibits in the museum and outside. Clubs were spread around planes on the ground floor and on the plush mezzanine above, there was a reasonable flow of public and a visit from a group of Vauxhall owners with some really lovely vintage tourers and saloons, AND presumably the last two surviving Cavalier convertibles!
I hope the venue would look on the event as a success and that it'll become annual.


8,935 posts

199 months

Sunday 29th May 2022
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Was a good show and good to see you Gary.

Fingers crossed I manage to survive one having a burger from the worlds least hygienic BBQ.

I think it’s probably 50/50.

Picked up a couple of kits, so I may even add a bit of content to this forum.

Just need to find my spruce cutters…


4,201 posts

102 months

Monday 30th May 2022
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robemcdonald said:
Just need to find my spruce cutters…
Oh, you planning on doing some gardening?



8,935 posts

199 months

Monday 30th May 2022
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Gary29 said:
robemcdonald said:
Just need to find my spruce cutters…
Oh, you planning on doing some gardening?



Original Poster:

1,644 posts

246 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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So, hot on the heels of the DeHavilland Museum show, this Sunday, 12th, there's a chance to re-live all the modelling goodness/find out what you missed (delete as applicable if you did/did not get to last week's event).
I've not visited this one but the Elstree show draws positive reviews from those of our mob that have and is eagerly anticipated now it returns after the unavoidable absence of the last 2 years.


8,935 posts

199 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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gruffgriff said:
So, hot on the heels of the DeHavilland Museum show, this Sunday, 12th, there's a chance to re-live all the modelling goodness/find out what you missed (delete as applicable if you did/did not get to last week's event).
I've not visited this one but the Elstree show draws positive reviews from those of our mob that have and is eagerly anticipated now it returns after the unavoidable absence of the last 2 years.
I need to double check with her indoors, but would quite like to go to this one.

Bonus point if you know why it was cancelled last year.


Original Poster:

1,644 posts

246 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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Cancelled? Had a mis-judged tweet it made 15 years ago been uncovered by the trash media and pounced upon by the super-woke? That usually works.


8,935 posts

199 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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No it was actually the fuel shortage… remember that?

Plus things were actually back to normal before the show date making it doubly pointless.


Original Poster:

1,644 posts

246 months

Sunday 5th June 2022
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Yes! Go people! We're great aren't we....stocked up sunflower oil yet?


Original Poster:

1,644 posts

246 months

Tuesday 6th September 2022
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Come and hide from Sunday's rain at a model show! second car let a big end go en route to Biggleswade....can't blame the town.
The Chiltern club are long established, will be a good show. See you there?


19,308 posts

210 months

Tuesday 6th September 2022
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Just occurred to me..where is Dr GN these days?


3,131 posts

182 months

Tuesday 6th September 2022
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Still swearing at an Airfix Vulcan, judging by his thread....

Simpo Two

85,989 posts

268 months

Thursday 8th September 2022
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8,935 posts

199 months

Saturday 24th September 2022
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A date for your diaries

I’ll probably being something useful like telling people where to park…


Original Poster:

1,644 posts

246 months

Friday 21st October 2022
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Bump! The aforementioned Letchworth show is tomorrow, Saturday. Come and say hello to us Watford clubbers. None of whom live even near Watford.


8,935 posts

199 months

Saturday 22nd October 2022
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gruffgriff said:
Bump! The aforementioned Letchworth show is tomorrow, Saturday. Come and say hello to us Watford clubbers. None of whom live even near Watford.
Good to see you today Gary and glad I convinced you to enter your excellent Bentley into the competition. Best in class! You should be pleased.


Original Poster:

1,644 posts

246 months

Saturday 22nd October 2022
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And you must be twice as pleased Mr Winner-Winner! Good day, thanks.

Parking direction was exemplary.