


Original Poster:

77 posts

230 months

Wednesday 8th March 2006
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I'm considering getting an early S/V40 as an everyday car. I was wondering if there was anything I should be looking out for? Specifically, any major costs? How often should the cambelt be changed for example?

I'd be spending about £1,500. So I'm not keen on spending a large chunk of that again working on it!

ANy help would be appreciated


21 posts

230 months

Wednesday 8th March 2006
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S40s are a lot cheaper than V40s. £1500 should net you a pretty decent one. All the early ones (except the Derv) use the Volvo whiteblock modular engine, as found in everything since (for example 850s, S/V70s, S60s, etc - with an extra cylinder!). Later 1.8s use a Mitsubishi GDI engine. All are 16v, except the derv.

The NA ones are supposed to be a bit sedate (without driving hard), but I doubt that matters in a daily driver. T-belt intervals...pass. I think it might be 80k. Our 2.0T had it done at about 78k IIRC, and it was just a shade early. I'm sure someone else will pipe up on that front.

I have been impressed by ours. It feels like a quality product, although I'm not sure the V40s are good value used. The right S40 is a bit of a steal.




Original Poster:

77 posts

230 months

Thursday 9th March 2006
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THanks mate,

roughly how much did the cambelt change cost?