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Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Tuesday 20th May 2014
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Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Thursday 22nd May 2014
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martinrpeachey said:
Oooh... very nice indeed smile
Next step wet sand and polish... that'll get the swirls out!

Also want to do something with the grill as it looks manc!


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Tuesday 10th June 2014
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martinrpeachey said:
Take off the slash, mask the outer chrome bit and spray the egg-crate bit satin black. That'll freshen it up a bit smile
The egg-crate bits fine Martin, it's more the badge that looks stey.

I know there is a way of removing the chrome strip and badge leaving just the grill I might try at some point.


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Wednesday 11th June 2014
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Arrrr not them bloody circlip washers are they?>

Evil, evil things!


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Wednesday 11th June 2014
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Yes I now the blighters...

May just leave it be then. haha biggrin


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Monday 16th June 2014
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hammo19 said:
My bargain bought this week

I've been looking at these lots on ebay recently...

Would love some top down driving.


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Monday 23rd June 2014
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great find then.

In other news... My bloody OS headlight wiper arms jammed in the 12oclock position.... rather annoying to say the least!


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2014
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Holy mother of pearl!


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Monday 7th July 2014
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Bought one of the most indestructible cars in the world... Can't see an issue.

Did you see the bloke in the Crash Thread that flipped his 850 T5 twice and walked away with only a slight graze to the nogging!

Looks good D.


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Tuesday 14th October 2014
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Suit red quite well the new 60.


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Thursday 16th October 2014
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My S60 will be 3 years old to me this February, I will have done 50k in that time and it will have reached over 200k in total. The longest time I've owned a running car.

She keeps on rolling.


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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Gave Optimus a good wax ready for his holidays in Cornwall tomorrow.


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Friday 23rd January 2015
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I need a new volvo frown


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Friday 30th January 2015
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martinrpeachey said:
Pixel-Snapper said:
I need a new volvo frown
Is yours broken? (I've not been around much recently - apologies if I missed anything)

Been thinking about selling ours...
No not at all Martin it's running fine, it's in for service and MOT next week so things could change.

It's just coming up to 3 years in my ownership and about to knock on 200k I just fancy a change more than anything.


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Tuesday 24th February 2015
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Managed to finally get some poor boys black hole and wax on Optimus over the weekend.

Now completely caked again frown


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Monday 2nd March 2015
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Fantastic! yes build thread please...


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Thursday 5th March 2015
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Challo said:
Very nice. Much prefer these S60's in a dark colour. The silver doesn't seem to age very well.
They do don't they. Mine could do with a front end repaint as its pebble dashed to buggery and the wheels need painting again....

What I'd really like though is that C30 above cloud9


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Thursday 23rd April 2015
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Cracked a Milestone last week... roll on a quarter mill!

Although she's now dropping water from somewhere around the back of the engine.

Must climb under and take a look, I assume its lower water hose seeping?


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Tuesday 15th March 2016
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Indeed it has.

So here's some pictures of when I recently ripped my 60 apart to do the cam belt.


Starting the dismantle.

Old v New tensioner.

Belt off.

Old v New water pump.

Not an easy job to do on your own but managed it. I think I could do it quicker next time as this took me about 4.5 hours.


Original Poster:

5,321 posts

195 months

Tuesday 28th June 2016
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Out with the old....

In with the new-er...

I'll get some better pictures once I've given it a polish this weekend.

So far so good, hints of the old S60 but with a more modern feel.

Nice to have some toys too biggrin