muffler question for tvrolet and terminator

muffler question for tvrolet and terminator



Original Poster:

785 posts

239 months

Tuesday 20th September 2005
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I pressume you guys are running mufflers to meet track noise levels and would be interested in what your running.(95 dba in NZ)
Ill be routing my exhaust and muffler very similar to the tuscans and changing my bottom door hinge points to end up with roughly a 250 x 150 mm sill cavity.
Have you guys looked into mufflers yet for your projects?
I was going to run a flowmaster 40 series(3 inch inlet and outlet) behind the rad but space for the bends is starting to get tight and heat soak may be a issue,hence going for the tuscan type sill cavity.(the flowmaster is to big for the sill cavity)
The trouble is there are so many slim round and oval types out there I dont know where to start,and I dont wont to rob to much hp.
Id be interested to see where your at with this.